Welcome! This is just a booster page. I'm still not finished with the page that I'm designing. Here is just a list of links that I like to check out when I'm on the web. Thanks and Enjoy!
UBLThe Ultimate Band List, find their best web sites.

Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds
- My favorite male solo artist. Check out this Baby face web-site, good luck finding one that's better.

Boyz II Men
- My favorite group of all time. This is the best page I have found on them so far.

Auto Trader
- In my opinion, the best online auto search server on the web.

Ticket Master
- Tickets and info on every current concert around the states.

Video Game Freaks
- Every game that is, was, and ever will be.

Cheat Code Central
-More fun for you vgf's, the site that has cheat codes for every video game that has cheat codes known to man.
I like to meet new people in theCollege Club Chat

Whenever I'm not on a computer, I like to do anything music related. Whether I am just listening to CDs, or writing the lyrics for another song.

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