NaughtyPumpkin's Pretty Feet |
Welcome to NaughtyPumpkin's totally free site for foot fetishists! Here you'll find over 200 photos of my soft soles, dirty feet, sexy shoes, high arches, wiggly little toes, and more. Enjoy yourself, and thank you for having a look around.
First Posting: November 1999 Updated Once a Month |
Yes, I am back up and running. Thank you to all my patient and loyal fans. |
45 new photos up for May |
Every update since Nov. 1999. My archive contains nearly 200 original foot photos. |
This is where I sell my well-worn foot fetishy stuff like socks, shoes, and hoisery. Photos and description of each item provided. |
About NaughtyPumpkin and Her Feet |
2 currently posted...More to come. |
Get out there and visit some of the best footie sites on the web...These people work their butts off to provide foot fetish photos for you...VISIT THEM! |
Links |
Email NaughtyPumpkin!!! Click here, or send your comments, questions, and criticisms to naughtypumpkin@hotmail.com |