David Wong's Homepage!
Last updated: 06-19-06
Pictures (6/19/06)
Links (6/1/04)
Celebs I've seen (5/09/05)
Girls make sense now... ;)
Well the big news is that the company I work for got bought out, so I'll probably be out of a job within the next year or so.  Couldn't have come sooner I think!  Hopefully I'll get a nice severance or bonus package and make out like a bandit.  An update with pictures from
Laguna again, my round of golf at Torrey Pines, Rock climbing at Joshua Tree, and trying my hand at Segway.

Well I'm officially a
CPA, and no, that doesn't mean I can do your taxes. Well, I could, but I'm too lazy, or you couldn't pay me enough.  I got a new camera...massive update with pictures I've taken in 2006.  Whale watching, my office, CSI Miami taping at our complex, Citywalk, random LBC pics, Katy and Henry's wedding, skiing at Mt. Baldy, Getty Villa/Malibu, Laguna, and San Diego.  Whew!  And work is starting to lighten up, and the weather is getting good.

Some pictures from August when I went to

Happy 2006!  Random update with pictures from when I was

Me on the OSU website!
Wow...how could I forget about the Gerardo video?  Guess his sexuality!  ~~~~~~~>