Susana R. Ceniceros

Let me tell you about myself. I'm 21 years old and I'm a junior at Cal State Hayward.  I am a sociology major and a criminal justice minor.  I hope to be a Parole Officer.  I have 3  brothers and 2 sisters. I was born in Ventura California and grew up in Oxnard. Oh and I have my tongue pierced!!!!!!!

My hobbies and interests include chatting on the net, studying(I love to study) NOT!!! I also like to play softball, listen to music, talk on the phone,and hang out with friends. I am the co-chair of M.E.Ch.A. de Cal State Hayward for the year 1999-2000.

I have 2 sisters, their names are Rosa and Josie. I also have 3 brothers and their names are Jose, Frank, and Manuel. They are all older than ME! Good thing.  MY dads name is Francisco and my moms name was Maria. 

I have many friends and you guys know who you are!
I HOPE!!! But my roomates are Valerie, Carmela, and April. And i can't forget about my x-roomate NIcole. Who left me for a dumb job.

Me and my roomie Valerie at last years Cinco de Mayo at CSUH.

Josie (my sista):

Me, Carmela, Gloria, Ramon, and Valerie at Nicole's surprise B-day party.