**I initially decided to build this website in hopes of being able to supply a link from my Instant Messenger profile in order for them to view a reasonable article I found on patriotism. Since then, I've received emails about other stories found around the internet and in newspapers and what-not. Because of this, I've decided that, hey, maybe I can turn this site into a patriotic one. After all, I am an American and I enjoy the freedoms and differences it has to offer. But I, as well as so many other Americans are FED UP with people trying to change our country and the greatness it holds. I wouldn't trade my home for the world; I wouldn't change the values that were implemented when it was established. But enough of my jabber, check out these stories, and keep in mind--this IS America; we are meant to be united and not divided by petty qualms we have with the values that we've lived by for so long....**
All of these changes and new stories will come about VERY soon. I just need to figure out how to make a frame with a sidebar and create a legibly better and pleasant to read webpage. Until then, please enjoy my not-so-aesthetically formatted site. I will also be adding a guestbook and links to other patriotic sites, as soon as I get around to it. But I *am* a college student, so please excuse the delays! Thanks again... Joe.
"There can be no 50/50 Americanism in this country. There is room for only 100% Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else." - Theodore Roosevelt
Questions? Comments? Email Me (Joe):
Email 2