
Welcome! You are about to enter my homepage, The Chapters, and learn all about me, my doings, talk to some cows, get your fortune told, and some other stuff. However, before you start, there's a couple of things you should know.

 | | Some Javascript is used, but if your browser can't handle it, then you won't be missing much. |
 | | Frames are used in a few pages. |
 | | The links on the next page you'll go to all open up a new browser window. Therefore, leave the main page open in order to see another page.
 | | The Chapters is optimized for screens using 16 bit color with a desktop size of 800 x 600. However, if you use 640 x 480, then I have modified some of my pages to suit you. The only problem is you'll miss out on some of the frames. All the pages that have been changed for 640 x 480 have a 2 in front of the extension. |

| On the bottom of most of my pages, I put a little sentence or so to explain why I am using this particular set. This set is the pretties I have ever seen. Moyra is a genius! |
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