Click below to listen to music while your visit!
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What It Is Remix [Flip Mode Squad]
Round & Round Remix [How High Soundtrack]
Girls, Girls, Girls Remix [Jay-Z]
Clap [Mobb Deep]
F*&k You [Pharaohe Monch]
I'm Serious [T.I. feat. Beanie Man]
Rules [Wutang Clan]



Welcome to my website! I finally got it up and running. I will try to update the site at least once a week. If you look above this message there is a date that verifies when it was last updated. Below is a section that describes what has changed since the last update. On the right column you can click one of the links and listen to music while you visit my website. You will need Real player. If you don't have it, you can download it here. If you have any questions/comments/ideas, sign my guestbook or email me.




What's New

1/22/02: Well, I finally got my site up and running. For the first couple of weeks it might be rough simply because I haven't been messing with creating web pages for about year since I had to do it in school. Here's a break down of my site. On the left hand column you can click on one of the links to listen to music while you are here. You will need to download Real player or else it won't work.

I have a Photos page which has very little photos. That'll change in the coming weeks. This also has pictures of my favorite hobby (collecting shoes). To go there now click on Photos above or click here. Pictures I have uploaded on the site are taken from a digital camera, so some pictures might take longer to display than others.

The Teknology page is where I put anything I come accross that deals with technology. Anything to do with computers I will have here. You can also ask me anything questions dealing with computers and I'll do my best to answer them. Just e-mail me your questions. There is a section there that I will post the e-mails I get so that others can read them. Maybe more than one person is experiencing the same problem or if I don't know the solution, someone else reading it might know. To go there now click here.

Next I have a Music page. This page will have nothing but Hip Hop-maybe a little bit of Rap, R & B, and Alternative. Genres that I listen to. If you have any ideas on artist that I can put up, let me know. I will only put up artists who are lyrically inclined. If you think you got skills on the mic, send me something and I'll post it up (no biting!). Represent!!! Go there now.

My Whips page is a page that will have nothing but cars. All the cars in this page are no longer stock and have been modified in a certain way. If you feel that your car should be added on to this page e-mail me the pictures and a little description of the car and yourself. Roll there now.