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  Monsieur Le Big  
  This is my CONSPIRACY 1 site. It consists of the biggest conspiracy theory in the world. Monsieur Le Big is the most powerful man in the Universe, yet he is related to Graham Norton. Following are the unlawful things that MLB has committed in his quest to become the most evil one. No one even knows his name, but it is probable that he lives in London.    
    My involvement  


      I first found out about MLB when I found his secret laptop located inside a special person's (known as "The Bean") bag. It contained a lot of pornography, plus some coded data to do with taking over the world by mind-matter manipulation, and also releasing a lot of toy vibrating monkeys laced with arsenic into the teenager market. When I got hold of this laptop, i informed the Polish and Saudi Arabian goverments respectivaly; I also informed Stephen Hawking because some of the pornography featured him. What the former did was to capture Madame F L, torture her and get information on his HQ, which was found in London in the East End. Also he planned to blow up the Millenium Dome as a Race Hate crime, but authorities refused to believe me (surprisingly). Since April MI5 have had Monsieur K in custody and have tried torturing him with fart gas, but he has kept quiet. Monsieur P has evaded the authorities, but he is suspected of arson on a french cheese factory in Kansas, USA. Now Monsieur Le Big is fighting to evade the British super-spy, Gareth Hall 007, and his wife, Debbie with her enticing sexual powers. Those two are currently working in Morrocco, searching for Monsieur Le Big's love child, in order to create a ransom situation. More on this here
  Hello World  
  The picture above is what MI5 suspects is the helicopter that MLB used to kill three top British spies off the coast of Spain a few months ago. The spies' identifications have not been revealed in fear of repercussions from MLB to all the press that feature the story.  
    Goverment Plots  
  Early Life      
    Most International goverments have no knowledge of MLB, but the Poles know of him, since I informed them last year. All people who know have tried to kill him, using poison darts, deadly parrots, and evil crockodiles, but all attempts have failed because he simply knows too much, knowledge given to him by his henchmen (only initials known): Madame F L,, Monsieur P and Monsieur K.  
  MLB was born in Iran, to British parents. That is all that is known about him, except that he has fathered a lovechild with a common housewife in Birmingham.      
Links to other sites about MLB

subversive behaviour the search the bean


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