Welcome! to Cleopatras' and Ceasars' Paintshop!
A few things before going any further...
Please no scrolling while in the Paint room!
Please don't flood the room with gestures!
Please don't IM the painters!
Please don't use CAPS, only painters and listkeeper may use CAPS!
Thanks for coming! Please enjoy yourself while your here!
The Painters
And the creators of this page!
This space reserved for new Artists and Listkeepers!
Want to be a painter or listkeeper?
Talk to one of the painters or listkeepers in the room, or
Email us! we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Also check out...
Our Female AV Gallery!
Our Pre-Painted mega avatar gallery! once you have chosen an Avatar come back to our Paintshop and we will put your name on it!
More to come...
Link to Ings AV and Gesture Links!

More Avatars!

A Listkeeper! (as soon as her pc is back up)

And more painters hopefully!
got some more finally!
Please sign our guest book!
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This many people
have been painted here since, 13 May, 1999!
My Love~~ Thanks for everything you've done. ~~Cleo
~~Anything for you my sweet baby, i Love You~~Caesar