Youth & Government

Hey- thanks for visiting my Y&G picture page! Y&G is this awesome program that brigns kisd into the world of politics. 2300 Kids gather for 2 Training & Election (T&E's) one in November and one in January at beautiful Camp Roberts in Pase Robles. This awsome experience prepares you for... SACRAMENTO!!!! In this program you can be in the legislature, media, a page or even the lobbyist program. It is so much fun! If you have any questions just e-mail me, ... Thanks!!!

Natalie (farleft), Angie, Liz, Jamie, Cicely at the last dinner in Sacramento.

Natalie, Rick la Torra the Y&G Sargent at Arms, Cicely

The North Bay/ Carquinez Delegation

Natalie and hte Y&G 52 Ml/c Youth Governor Randall Winston