Welcome to the Lair of...


On the tenth day of February, 2000, LordLongBow drifted off into
the mist with the same silence that accompanied His coming.

Destroyed after having seen what a vile attack on email from a
single person with a venomous tongue can do, He silently gave
way to the peace that for so long He has been seeking.

The friends that He made will never be forgotten, and the
guideance that I offered was a personal satisfaction.

I leave the hope that at some point I have touched Y/you A/all,
and that I was able to make your day a little bit brighter.

To A/all I pray, that the sun may always guide you on your path,
that the winds of peace always blow gently with you,
and that a love so truemay one day be found for all
that choose to accept the challenge.

I go now, My head still proudly held high, but with a
yearning of an unfulfilled love aching in My heart.

Blame not the one that was LLBs_goldenhair, for she was
taught to consider all information.  I blame the one
behind these slanderous attacks, the one that was so
spineless as to not confront the issues with Me. 

I will leave the page to the links open, for I wish to leave
a legacy to  those trying to discover this lifestyle.  And it is
my hope that itwill be used to guide, and teach.

Be well My F/friends, I go in peace to seek
what has to this point eluded Me.
