This IS just a test......isn't it??
    Life I mean.  So many things happen to us daily that shape us into who we are.  I can look back on my life so far and see how every major event that has happened to me has shaped me....helped to mould me into the person that I am today.  With this webpage, I hope to put down a lot of things that I have learned in life.  Some of them humorous, some of them not so humorous, but all of them having a bearing on who I am today.  Along the way I will throw along as many photos and side stories along the way as you can stomach.  I hope that this basically ends up being my online autobiography.  I'm doing this mainly for my kids so that maybe at some point in their lives they can better understand what I think is important and why I would stress it to them.  It is always going to be a work in least as long as I am living, that is.  Feel free to let me know what you think works...and what doesnt. 
My Latest Entry    09/16/04
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In Memory of the crew of STS107 / Columbia.