Andy's Home of Snakes
This is my new, revised web-page. I will be hoping to give details of all my snakes and provide you with some basic tips in caring for thse fantastic animals.
I am in no way an expert, just an enthusiastic amateur. If there's anything you disagree with or would like to know more, please feel free to e-mail me, I'm always open to suggestions.

My Snakes
This is the list of the snakes I keep:-
Colombian Red Tailed Boas
Corn Snakes
I have been keeping snakes for about 7 or 8 years, and I'm constantly trying to improve my knowledge of these creatures. I have recently joined the South West Herpetological Society, the International Herpetological Society and I'm a member of a number of reptile related clubs in Yahoo, all of which are a great source of information.

Check out these links below:-
Mexican Milk Snake
Other Snakes I Like
e-mail me
Dumerils Boa
Bairds Rat Snake
Chinese Water Dragon
Northern Pine Snake
Childrens Pythons
Tokay Gecko