ALISSA this is so for you! Your own webpage ;-)
1. Download and install Adaware (free edition) . (Click on "Adaware" in the left-hand column near the top at their website to download the free edition.)

2. Go to Start > Programs > Lavasoft and click on AdAware 6 to open the program

3. Look at the icons on the top right of the page and click on the ‘world’ and let AdAware update the spyware reference list


4. Once the update is finished click on the ‘Gear’ icon (second from the left) to access the preferences/settings window

1. In the ‘General’ window make sure the following are selected:
· Automatically save log-file
· Automatically quarantine objects prior to removal
· Safe Mode (always request confirmation)

2. Click on the ‘Scanning’ button on the left and select :
· Scan Within Archives
· Scan Active Processes
· Scan Registry
· Deep Scan Registry
· Scan my IE favorites for banned URL’s
· Scan my Hosts file
· Under ‘Click here to select drives + folders’, choose:
· All of your hard drives

3. Click on the ‘Advanced’ button on the left and select:
· Include additional process information
· Include additional file information
· Include environment information
· Include additional object details

4. Click the ‘Tweak’ button and select:
· Under the ‘Scanning Engine’:
· Unload recognized processes during scanning
· Include basic Ad-aware settings in logfile
· Include additional Ad-aware settings in logfile
· Under the ‘Cleaning Engine’:
· Let Windows remove files in use at next reboot

5. Click on ‘Proceed’ to save the settings.

6. Click ‘Start’ and on the next screen choose ‘Activate in-depth Scan’ at the bottom of the page and then choose:
· Use Custom Scanning Options

7. Click ‘Next’ and AdAware will scan your hard drive(s) with the options you have selected.

8. Save the log file when it asks and then click ‘finish’

Songs to accopmany you on your quest:
Deerhoof - "Dummy Discards a Heart"
Deerhoof - "Sealed With a Kiss"