Brad's House

Welcome to my (very) humble abode!  I know that this homepage currently looks extremely pathetic.  I am hoping that in the not too distant future, though, this will be a nice representation of myself.  Eventually, there should be a plethora of information about me, my friends, my interests, etc.  So, keep visiting whenever you feel like it and I will try to keep updating!!

I can get started with some things about me!  First of all, I am a 24 year old computer scientist.  I graduated in the Spring of 1998 from the Florida State University (go 'NOLES)!  Shortly after graduating, I was hired by the Institute for Simulation and Training, a company in the University of Central Florida Research Park that specializes in computer simulation. 

My wide-spanning interests include:

  -    Reading
  -    Art
  -    Museums
  -    Computers (obviously)
  -    and, of course, my
friends and family!

Take a look at my