The World of
5 Bakti 98

Hello, and greetings to all!

Welcome to the world of 5 Bakti 98 SMKSJ...
This site is designed to remember and relive again the wonderful moments every 5 Baktians have experienced in school.

As all of us had left school, memories of school life will begin to fade and soon, we shall forget how fun it is to have ever attended school and be in a great class like 5 Bakti 98. Our relationships with each other as classmates or schoolmates may also fade, causing us to lose contact with friends we once appreciate.

Therefore, in order to relight the fire of 5 Bakti 98 and at least maintain contacts with each other, this site is made - The World of 5 Bakti 98. It will try to bring together all kinds of happenings and information that has something to do with 5 Bakti 98 and also SMKSJ.

So, to all 5 Baktians and also everyone out there, read on and try to remember the good old days, where homework was little, life was easy, everyone was happy and worries were far away above the clouds.....

Have fun !
