Wow! Surprised I’ll bet, hmm? |
Sorry my page isn't very fancy yet. It's finals time and I've been doing everything to avoid studying, including working hours on end with this web page. |
Only a few of the true site links are active, but I have a list of my old links below, if you want to just browse around. Be sure to check out my journal....although it's nothing special right now either. :-) |
For those of you that don't know, I now work at Bank of Texas. It's not a bad job. Anyways....when I'm not actually working (at work), I try to work on this page. So, hopefully, it will be something SPECTACULAR soon. ;-) |
In the meantime, I will be working on this with help from other sites. If you're looking to build your own website, check out Dynamic Drive for neato scripts (check out the flower effect!) and Full Moon Graphics for great graphics!!! (I'm a BIG fan!!) |
Do me a favor and check back in on me in late December, and hopefully I'll have this up and running. (My fingers are crossed!) |
I hope everyone has good luck on finals! I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! |