Here it is! I want this page to be fun! As the inspiration hits me, I will add to my page! If you have any ideas...please, shoot em at me!
See! even Cartman has class!
I will try to make this an interesting page! I will steer clear of the boring, sappy crap from before. I will add pics tho...because we all can use a laff now and then!
Here is an idea of what I am all about... no candy coating or mushy junk..altho I am a crybaby sometimes ...and get my lil feelins hurt now and then...LOL!
My Favorite Color: Red
My Favorite Food: Hmm toughie..because I am soooo damn picky!
My Favorite Movie: City of Angels
My Favorite Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny! He Rocks!
My Favorite Book: Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles..yes I spelled it right!
My Favorite Actor/Actress: Nicholas Cage & Meg Ryan
My Favorite Season: Summer..cuz I love being outdoors...
My Favorite Cologne: White Diamonds
My Favorite Car: Dodge Durango...Black with tinted windows...A "bad ass ride"
My Favorite Album: "Hellbilly Deluxe" by Rob Zombie
Ficticious Character I most relate too: "Scarecrow" from The Wizard of Oz... *hums*....If I only Had a I love that song!
Now on to PET PEEVES!
#1...People who insist on blowing their friggin nose at the table when I am eating..sheesh! One word...GROSS!
#2...Folks who think they have the right to give you an opinion...even when ya didnt ask for one!
#3...People on car phones...I say...Get off the damn road and call! You're makin me mad!
#4...People who judge you by the outside..and never give you a chance..but hey..their loss..cuz I am a nice person! LMAO!
#5...Dirty bathroom..self-explanitory I think!
#6...The Public..what do you people think about when you come into a store? I am making a living too! Try to be makes my job easier!
#7... And last but not least...People who think they are all that! C'mon folks...we are all the same... so get over yourself!
OH MY GAWD! It's a spider on her head..kill it!! LMAO!