"Race, incidentally, is not a serious matter generally for Goreans, perhaps because of the intermixtures of people. Language and city, and caste, however, are matters of great moment tothem, and provide sufficient basis for the discriminations in which human beings take such great delight."

From Beasts of Gor pg 156

The Kataii Camp lies on the Plains of Turia, with many pasangs of open grazing surrounding it.

The gate to the Camp is guarded at all times by at least one Warrior and a handful of fully grown prairie sleen or trained larls depending on the time of day. As You are a Stranger here, please approach with caution and good will since You are considered Enemy until You are proven otherwise.

In the common area, You see the Camp whipping post, the branding rack, and the dance pit. Just outside the common area is a practice field, where the Warriors of Camp maintain their martial skills. You will also see slave cages, used for discipline, and kennels for the Camp girls.

The Camp itself is extremely colorful, as the Wagon Peoples are quite proud of their many trophies of war. The wagons are gilded and have varicolored canvases, and the people themselves wear a great variety of costumes.

Kataii is Now known as a KILL ZONE. All Rarius and Free May Keep there Weapons Upon entering. IF A FREEWOMAN ACTS UP THEY WILL BE KO-LARED Let this Be a warning Now. Greetings and welcome A/all.

Kataii is theme room, based upon the Novels of John Norman about a ferocious counter Urth known as Gor. Gor is a place where Men Dominate and most women are slaves. Our Warriors are proud and strong and defend their home stone first, while leaving questions for later. A/all are welcomed at the Camp of Kataii, but we ask that you respect our ways or suffer the consequences. The word for Stranger and enemy is one on Gor.

Kataii is situated in the Plains of Turia. A/all vistors are welcome but are asked to use the following guidelines: If you are visiting for the first time, please choose a name and place an ~o~ after your name so we may identify you as a visitor. The people of Kataii love to laugh and learn. Those observing may observe and ask respectful questions only. You may ask questions in private only after asking to do so first. As you look across the camp, your attention will be grabbed by the First Wagon, wagon of the leader of Kataii, the Ubar. You will see his dias from where he rules His camp, a pile of furs with a black bosk hide over the top. Right off to The Side of The Ubar's Wagon You will see the Camp Second's Wagon. Off to the left is the First Shield's Wagon. You will hear the happy call of many kajira, willing to serve you food and drink, and see our inviting fires welcoming you in. Tal A/all

You stand now before the Ubar of the Kataii. Remember You are both Stranger and Guest here, and You are well advised to listen closely to the Members of Kataii and learn from Them, for They HOLD YOUR VERY LIFE WITHIN THIER HANDS.

"...The word for Stranger and Enemy is the same in Gorean..."

The following pages contain text of a graphic sexual nature,
if you are under legal age please "retreat".

Her Royal Sassyness

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