Hi, I'm Joy otherwise known as Singer 45. I am doing this web page just to tell you a little bit about myself! I'm not 45 anymore but I'm not gonna tell you my real age so there! I am a high school cafeteria manager (there I'm known as Hawkeye, because I catch the students stealing and cutting in line all the time! (lol).I am single and perfectly happy with that marital status. I have two grown children and four wonderful grand children. My hobbies include computers (of course), oil painting, cooking, and singing Karaoke. I love to sing at Karaoke clubs and sometimes special events. If you have Real Audio and you have read this far you are probably hearing me sing right now! Well that's about it for now , I'll try to add more things later and by all means Please sign my guestbook I would love to know what you think ??
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