Penpal Corner
Hello! My name is Piang-or Wacharaprapapong. Welcome to my home "Penpal Corner". Hope you'll like it.
What is this page about?
I really love writing letter and I think it must be good to create a homepage about penpals. That's what it's about. You can get more friends here.
Do we need to have more friends?
Friendship is the most importent thing in the world because we cannot live in this world on our own. We need friends. You may think you have enough friends at school but I don't. I will never use the word "too much" for friends. If you need help, your friends can help you. If you have a problem, your friends can chat with you. That's what friends are for. If you have friends in other lands, you will learn more about their countries, life styles, their customs and many other things. Or if you have friends who interests in the same thing as you do, you'll always feel good to chat with them about it. So it's good to have more friends
Who can get penpals through this page?
You! :) Anyone can get some friends here for free! The most importent thing you need to have is friendship to give to your friends. If you've got it now, let's begin!
How can I get some friends?
That's so easy. Go to Penpals Book to find the addresses of your new friends and choose some of them who you want to be their friends. Then just write to them. I'm sure they want to hear about you. Or you can go to Add yourself to Penpals Book and let other people know you by filling the information. Maybe someone will find your address from this page and interests to be your friend, they'll write to you then. Check this out! I hope you will begin a beautiful friendship with your new friend
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