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Sit back, pop a pepsi, turn up your speakers and enjoy the atmosphere.
This is place for people to come, hangout, chat, see some cool graphics supplied by friends and built by myself.
There will be constant updates to this page so bookmark it and come back often.
If you meet just one person or make just one friend on the net then all the time you spend on it is worth wild.
I hope that you enjoy your stay and visit us often
Tell you friends if you enjoy it.
The BeachClub is a proud sponsor of the Society for Prevention of Cruelity to Never Bugs (SPCTNB). If you would like to join or if you are curious about what we are all about please click on our logo below to read more.
The beachclub is owned and opperated by Jekeyl. We opened for business on 1/1/99 and will remain that way as long as there are people on the web that just want to relax, view some pictures, talk with friends and in general just have fun with the internet.
If what you are looking for is not here then please drop me a line and if it will fit in with the page I will add it and give the suggestion full billing to you. To contact me just e-mail me Back to the Front Door
If you enjoyed your stay and would like to let me know about it or if you have a request that would make you next visit more pleasant then please sign the guest book.
Your are the
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Welcome to the beachClub. For those of you who have been here before you can use the quick guide below to go to the section of the page you are looking for. Just click on the section and the beachmobile will wisk you away. For you visitors that are new I suggest that you just scroll down the beach and take a look at the scenery or if you like the beach mobile can give you a ride toFEATURED SITE
I have met a few people online and through them have decided to build that web page. One of the most influential people in this decision was Lauranna. She is a site owner here in SouthBeach at the Dunes. She is also a Community Leader and very good at what she does. She has helped me more than any book I have read on web page building. You should check out her site by clicking on the logo below.WEBRINGS AND MEMBERSHIPS
One of the things that I enjoy are webrings. Lauranna turned me on to them and something she said started to make since. Why use search engines when there are web rings. Since then I have become a web ring juncky. There is nothing you can't find on a web ring.
Webrings that this page belongs to.
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