to my homepage.
page dedicates to all those who had been the factors of influence of my
basically, also to create a space of my own within the unlimited
wide web.
to de-factor.
to my world. |
: can i announce? okay, i added a new
section called i.n.t.e.r.e.s.t.s and i
haven't actually know why i did it up, but i just suddenly felt like telling
everyone about those personals who are simply too gorgeous looking to be left
out of my webbie. so i created that section for them... take a look okie? hehe data
correct as on 28th Nov 2000.
or a friend of mine informed me
regarding the spoil links found in my photo albums.. well it's a small silly
html problem which i corrected. hmm at the same time, i did some updating for my a.l.b.u.m..
added some birthday celebration photos for the uni pages and 3 more photos for
the college section. data correct as on
25th Nov 2000.