Real Footfetish Free Gallery



Homepage by hotleg)(foot and shoefilms),which I turned until today... And naturally pics of new model...This page constantly renewed...much fun
Some of topic to my films: Many foot friends dream in certain everyday life situations to be appropriate for example in a restaurant, down under feet /shoe of  a pretty woman, while this Mrs. have fun even with a female colleague, but she d'ont notice of him - such contents are again-reflected in also in my films.
( click on the thumbnails for view the clips) If you want see gif animations

Realplayer und mpegclips
Auf dieser Newsseite seht ihr einen Überblick von allen Bildern (mehr auf der original Homepage) oder mpegs speziell hier (Fotos) (Fuss - und - Schuhfilme), die ich bis Heute gedreht habe..Und natürlich Pics von den neuen models ... Diese Seite wird ständig erneuert...viel Spass.
Noch zu meinen Filmen:Viele Fussfreunde träumen in gewissen Alltags situationen, zum Beispiel in einem Restaurant, einer hübschen Frau zu Füssen zu liegen, während sich diese Frau gerade mit einer Kollegin amüssiert - solche Inhalte wiederspiegeln sich auch in meinen Filmen.
( klickt auf die Bilder um die mpegs zu sehen ) Wenn ihr gif animation sehen wollt
If you want view the .ram-clips get  its free now.
Holt euch den (deutsch) um die.ram-clips zu sehen. Ist gratis!!!
The real-clips are created with :

clips of the Film:
"Der Schuhputzer unter Druck"/"The shoecleaner under pressure"
mpeg 147 KB / mpeg 273 KB / ram 159 KB

Clip of the Film:
DER MISSBRAUCHTE FUSSSKLAVE Part 2/The abused foot slave part 2
Mein erster Film"Das chaotische Photostudio" mpegclip click auf das Bild
My first film      "The chaotic photo studio" (with Natalie and Marina)
 5.sept 99

Francine in   "Crush and Food"

Nathalie und Marina in"Der unterwürfige Garcon" "the devote waiter"
Various Pics of     Sara"In the film italo femdom",Gina (In the devotes House friend Nr.1),
Diverse Pics von      Sabine  und Brigitte (the abused Feetslave Nr.3erotik)"with its
Barefeet,nilons and shoes...mpeg under construction

dirtyfeet special clip my comment: This interest pics I make at 20.July.99.This two girls played very hot with her feet under the table. But I think they knows my camera under the table and for me it was verry nice this two beautiful girls,who make this show.
Schmutzige Füsse mein Kommentar: Diese zwei Damen spielten ein heisses Spiel unter dem Tisch mit ihren hübschen Füssen. Ich glaube,dass eine der beiden meine kamera bemerkt hatte unter dem Tisch und sie deshalb vielleicht dieses interessante Spiel machten.Sehr schön...!

Legfan the most walked on man in switzerland  27.7.99 mpeg clips

Dornröschen / Pedicure   bare foot ,nilons,shoe and sole mpegs...under construction

 Das ungewöhnliche Fussmassage - Tanzgerät?!
the unsual foot - massage and dance - machine ?!
Hausherrin Nr.2 5.sept 99
Lady of the House Nr.2
"trampling and  barefoot sole mpegs..."
Hausherrin Nr.2
Lady of theHouse Nr2
"Der devote Hausfreund Nr2"5.sept.99
"The devotes housefriend Nr2"
 "Der missbrauchte Fussskl...Part 1 und Part 2"
"The abuse Footslave part 1 and part 2"
trample with bare foot and sole pics.../Trampling MPEG- clips
"Der missbrauchte Fussskl...Part 3 erotic" Vanessa und Brigitte in Aktion...
"The abuse Footslave part3 erotic" Vanessa and Brigitte in Action...

Eine Bitte:
Wenn jemand Homepages kennt mit Bildern von clogs oder draussen gemachten Fussbildern einfach natürliche Seiten, daomepages mit Frauen)
A request:
If someone knows URL addresses of Clog - Webs about femalefeet or Webs with the Topic dirty femalesole or outsite the door feetpics, then
Alle mpegs, die ihr hier seht, sind mit einer Digital - Macrocamera Hi8 oder einer Kamera 8mm in der Schweiz gemacht worden.Made in Suisse
More Jnfo or details to make this films, then go to the first hoge by hotleg.



V I was in the mid-Atlantic last June for my brother-in-law’s birthday
party at my sister’s place. It was a typical hot muggy mid 90’s day as
I arrived on Saturday afternoon for the party. There were about twenty
people in all coming. 
About an hour after I got there, his brother’s family arrived from New
England. They had a daughter graduating high school that I hadn’t seen
in three years. She had changed quite a bit since I’d last met her.
Jen was a very outgoing and confident young girl. Her parents were
quick to tell everyone that she was a star student and athlete. I
noticed her immediately for she was a very pretty young teen. She was
dressed in a pink short sleeve shirt, a pink and white short pleated
skirt, hot pink ankle socks, and patent leather dressy maryjane shoes.
Her long blond hair was done up in ponytails with pink ribbons. 
I hung around with the adults discussing what we all had been doing
since we last got together, while Jen ran around with the other
children. I was amazed how the heat didn’t bother them, as we sat in
the shade sipping iced drinks. Every now and then I caught a glimpse of
her cotton panties as she frolicked on the lawn. 
Since many of us had traveled quite far for the party, we were spending
the night. The kids went to sleep on couches and pillows in the den
downstairs while the adults played cards. Around midnight we all
decided to call it a night and head to bed. I was offered a bed in one
of the spare rooms, but since I was alone I passed it on to one of the
other couples and said I’d be fine on the floor. 
I grabbed a pillow and sheet, and headed downstairs where it would be
cooler. Some of the kids were young so I guess they left a light on in
the corner for security while sleeping in a strange place. The couches
were all taken, but there was a spot on the floor by the couch where Jen
was sleeping. 
I spotted her maryjanes on the floor at the foot of the couch. I spread
out the blanket to lie on, and put the pillow right next to the pretty
shoes. Jen was asleep, still wearing the pink anklets, pleated skirt,
and pink shirt. She had unbuttoned the shirt and I could see the flower
print bra she had on. She had very athletic legs from all the running
she did playing sports, and the tan she acquired over the summer
accentuated their fantastic look. 
As I lay there, I couldn’t take my eyes off those maryjanes. The kids
had played hard all day and they were all sleeping soundly. I slid the
pillow right up to the lovely shoes and my nostrils flared as the aroma
of Jen’s feet and the leather invaded my senses. The extremely hot day
and all the running and sweating Jen did gave them a real funky odor. I
reached out and touched the innersole, which was still very moist. I
put my nose right in the shoe opening and took long slow whiffs. My
cock was rock hard. 
Checking to make sure all were still asleep, I started licking the shiny
leather. I had to concentrate just to keep quiet as I had become
incredibly excited. Jen stirred a bit and I froze, hopefully appearing
asleep. It looked as if she just adjusted her position and was still
asleep. Her foot had moved and was now hanging over the edge of the
couch right over my head. 
I gazed at Jen’s foot. It looked perfect. She had a curvy high arch
that gave it an alluring shape as it hung limply overhead, still in the
hot pink anklet she had worn all day. Without even thinking, I raised
myself just enough to be level with her foot. The rich fragrance that
washed over me was indescribable. I was almost out of control. I took
one of the maryjanes and started jerking off with it. Inhaling Jen’s
wonderful scent put me over the edge in seconds, and I exploded all over
the pretty shoe. 
I bit my lip to stem the scream that I held under my breath, and lay
back down. After gaining control of myself and assuring that everyone
was still asleep, I brought the shoe up to look at. The maryjane was
covered in cum. Not wanting to get up to clean it or smear it on the
sheet for fear that someone would notice the stain, I held the shoe over
my face. Imagining Jen was still wearing it, I began licking my own cum
off the sole of her shoe. I stopped to think- what was I doing
performing this degrading act?, but the idea of being under Jen’s feet
aroused me more than I could believe and I continued abasing myself as I
licked the entire shoe, top and bottom, over and over. I set the shoe
down and drifted off to one of the best sleeps I’ve had. 
I was startled awake in the morning, as Jen was getting out of bed and
accidentally stepped on me. Of course she stepped right on my cock that
had grown to full mast as I lay there dreaming of Jen’s feet. 
"Oops," she said with that innocent girlish giggle, "I didn’t know you
were beneath me." 
I was red as a beat with shame as I stammered "I was beneath you all
"Oh yes, I seam to recall you below me at some point." 
Just what did she mean by that. She had a smile on her face, but I was
sure she slept through everything. 
"Hand me my shoes, will you." It was more a demand than a request. I
picked up the maryjanes and reached out to give them to her. As she was
about to take them, she went into an involuntary stretch and yawn that
some people do as they wake up. With her hands over her head I watched
her young breasts heave. So firm and comely in the flower print bra. 
"Be a dear and help me on with them. It’s so early in the morning," she
said continuing the stretches sitting on the couch above me. Jen’s feet
were now on my stomach and she was rubbing them back and forth as she
I was lying on my back below her holding the shoes and I couldn’t
respond. I waited for her to finish stretching, and then she placed one
foot on my chest, crossed the other leg over it putting her other foot
right above my face, just inches away. I could see her entire legs and
panties towering above me. I was mesmerized, and had to struggle to
stop staring. After a few seconds I caught her eye, as she smiled at
me. My ears were hot as I turned ashen with shame, yet I was helpless
to tell her to stop. 
Jen started swinging her foot as if to say ‘get back to your task’. Her
foot with the stinky hot pink anklet was now lightly grazing my cheek.
Involuntarily I took a breath as the smell assaulted my nostrils. She
giggled again and I knew I had better get on with it as I was sure I
couldn’t refuse her, and the longer it took the more humiliated I would
be. I was going to get up to make the task easier, but as I started to
move Jen pushed back with her foot on my chest, and placed the toes of
her other foot gently on my mouth for just a second. I was at the brink
of orgasm and struggled with all my concentration to act as if I was
still in control, not wanting this young teen to know what she was doing
to me. I was going to have to put her shoes on from this ridiculous
position beneath her feet. 
Not willing to risk anyone seeing me like this, quietly I brought the
maryjane up to her foot. There was barely enough room between her foot
and my face to get the shoe on. Several times the sole was forced up
against my face as I struggled with the chore. 
With one shoe on, Jen uncrossed her legs and put her shoe-clad foot
haphazardly in close proximity to my penis, which was standing straight
out as I struggled to conceal it from her. She made a point with her
other foot as she extended it over my head. I nearly gasped at the
sight of her magnificent leg, the muscles so incredibly toned. She
accidentally brushed my cock on several occasions with the shoe as I
teetered on the edge of climax. I couldn’t humiliate myself and cum in
front of her. I reached up with her other shoe to get the job done as
fast as I could. Jen was not making it easy. Finally she made a toe
point right at my nose and I was able to catch her foot before it moved
and slip the pretty shoe on her foot. To do so I had to virtually put
the tip of the maryjane against my lips. With the shoe on, Jen pressed
down slightly, forcing the shoe onto my lips. I wish I could have let
the moment linger, as the feelings washing over me as I "kissed" the
shoe tip were fantastic. She giggled and I became concerned that
someone would wake up and see me like this beneath the feet of this
beautiful teen vixen. 
I rolled over on my stomach and tried to regain my composure. I hoped
that the scene was over, as one of the little kids in the corner was
stirring. I couldn’t get up with the huge boner I was sporting, and I
just lay there hoping Jen had enough. 
"You forgot the buckles, Don." The words ringing in my ears. 
Jen slid the shoe under my face and I hurriedly buckled it up. She
lifted it up to see, and remarked, "Oh no, it’s in the wrong hole,"
laughing once again. 
"Which one is it?" I asked. 
"No fair, you have to guess," she teased back. 
After two other failed attempts, she decided I had it right the first
time. Her other foot was now on the edge of the couch, with her knee up
to her chest. I would have to get up to buckle it. I got on my knees
and was about to begin when Jen brought her other leg up to the couch’s
edge. In doing so she once again ‘accidentally’ brushed my dick,
sending shivers down my spine. She looked at me, giggling as I humbled
myself before her. With her knees against her chest I had a great view
of her cotton panties, and they looked as if they might be wet, but I
couldn’t tell for sure and I didn’t want her to see me staring again. 
The other buckle secure, Jen got up and walked passed me, grazing me
with her firm young ass. I was left there, kneeling, with the worst set
of blue balls I’d ever had. 
I knelt there for a few minutes, hoping my hard-on would subside.
Finally, I just picked up the pillow, holding it in front of me, and
headed to the bathroom. As I passed by the kitchen, Jen yelled out,
"Hello Uncle Don," bringing attention my way from the few people who
were early risers. Luckily I was able to waive them off as I continued
to the bathroom. I found it empty, once again thanking my stars, and
got in the shower. 
Setting the water for as cold as I could stand it, I watered my cock in
hopes of cooling the flames. After some effort, I succeeded and got
dressed to face the day. 
I made my way into the kitchen and took a seat to strike up some
conversation. The questions arose as to when I would finally find a
girl and settle down. As always I did the best I could to tell everyone
I was not in a hurry. I was in my mid thirties and enjoyed my freedom. 
"I think Uncle Don is a considerate and very helpful man," said Jen with
a smile as my face started to redden. "He was so nice helping me this
morning when I was having some trouble with my shoes. The girls don’t
know how lucky they would be to HAVE him." 
I did my best to act as if it was nothing and luckily the conversation
changed directions. Throughout breakfast I tried to ignore looking at
Jen who was sitting across the table from me. Every time our eyes met
she was looking right at me with what appeared to be a bit of a smirk on
her face. 
After breakfast it was decided the group would go to a local park for a
walk and let the young children play. Feeling the need to distance
myself somewhat from Jen, I bowed out feigning a bit of a headache. I
hoped for some time by myself to regain my composure and empty the load
that had built up in my balls. Just as I was seeing everyone off, Jen
asked her mother if she could stay behind and work on a report for
school on the laptop. Her mother was so proud that she was such a
conscientious student, and readily agreed. 
Jen got out the laptop and I thought I would just stay out of her way
while she worked. 
"Oh the battery is dead," she exclaimed. "I guess the report will have
to wait. Lets play Uncle Don." 
"I don’t know that I’m up for it," knowing that after this morning it
wouldn’t be a good idea. 
"Come on, just for a little while," she said in a voice that cut right
through me, as she swayed slightly, cocking her head in an innocent
schoolgirl way. 
Knowing better but somehow unable to refuse, I agreed. 
"Lets go downstairs to the den," as she skipped off for the stairs. 
As I fell in behind her she mockingly looked back saying "Here boy, here
boy," smacking her lips in an exaggerated kissing sound as if calling a
"Now," I said, unable to think of anything else, but continuing to
follow after her just as a good dog would. 
"Lets have a pillow fight," she said excitedly. 
"Oh no," I said, "I’m a grown man and you’re just a kid, what sixteen
years old?" 
"Hey I’m a senior, I just turned eighteen." 
"I’m sorry, it’s just with your hair in pony tails and the way you’re
dressed with those shoes and all..." 
"What’s wrong with my shoes, I think they’re very pretty. Don’t you
think they are pretty?" she said as she pointed her shoe and slowly
twisted it side to side. My eyes were drawn to it. 
"Oh yes they’re very lovely, it’s just that they make you look so young,
even though you surely act like quite the adult," I stated, trying to
save myself. "But I still don’t think it would be fair for us to pillow
fight. I’m so much bigger than you." 
"To even it up, you fight from your knees," she said, throwing a pillow
my way. "The first one to knock the other over wins." 
I sank to my knees and the play began. Jen was laughing as she circled
me smacking my head. I fought back half heartedly, watching her nubile
body bounce so alluringly in front of me. 
I was getting tired of spinning on my knees as Jen circled me. While
she was behind me, she must have kicked me in the back, and I fell to
the ground. 
"I won, I won!" she exclaimed jumping up and down. Suddenly, she
plopped down on my stomach, slightly knocking the wind out of me. 
"I won," she giggled, sitting on my stomach with her feet on either side
of my head. From my position I was looking right at her panties. I
tried not to stare, but it took me a few seconds to tear my eyes away
from the sight. She waited for me to look her in the eyes. 
"My report was on the Roman conquests. Do you know what the Romans did
to their captives?" 
"What?" I said meekly. 
"They made them their slaves. You have to be my slave till the others
get back." 
I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. There was a long pause and I
should have put a stop to this, but I said nothing. 
"Slave, you made fun of the way I dress and especially my shoes.
Apologize to my shoes." 
Jen raised both maryjanes and planted them on my chest. 
"I’m sorry Jen..." 
"To my SHOES!" 
"Lovely shoe, I’m very sorry if I insulted you. You are very beautiful,
and I was wrong to say bad things about you. I’m sorry." 
What was I doing? I was completely abasing myself at the feet of this
beautiful young girl. My cock was hard as a rock, and I couldn’t bring
myself to stop, the feelings coming over me were incredible and I was
losing control of my will to my dick. 
Jen placed the sole of her shoe inches above my face. "Kiss it!" 
I looked at her, and she had this regal look about her. I was helpless
to resist. I lifted my head and tried to kiss her shoe. It was just
out of reach and I couldn’t get to it with her other foot on my chest
holding me down. Just how foolish I must have appeared struggling to
kiss the shoe she kept just beyond my lips. 
Jen giggled at my obsequious performance then said, "Beg!" 
"Please Jen may I kiss your shoe." 
"Call me Princess Jen, and you will have to do much better than that if
you want to kiss it. You do want to kiss it, don’t you weenie?" 
I felt utterly degraded. Yes I would continue to beg her I so
desperately needed to humiliate myself before her. I had never felt so
sexually stimulated and the more she degraded me, the more excited I
"Princess Jen, I am your devoted slave and I beg for the privilege and
honor of kissing your shoe. Please allow this lowly worm to pay homage
to your feet." 
She put the sole on my face, and I passionately kissed it in total
She took it away and said, "Lick it! Lick it just like last night." 
With not an ounce of self-respect left, I put my entire effort into
loving the sole of her pretty shoes. Jen let me continue, and I was
approaching orgasm. Just before I was about to climax, she took the
maryjanes away. 
"Take my shoes off." 
Reverently I removed her shoes and exposed her perfect feet in the hot
pink anklets. She curled her foot, pointing her toe. She had the most
amazing legs I’d ever seen. She cupped both feet and covered my face.
The socks had been on her feet for nearly two days in the hot sticky
weather. They reeked. But to me the pungent smell was pure nirvana. I
was in total ecstasy as I drank in the heavenly fragrance of her
unwashed feet. I came in an earth shattering orgasm as I held her
filthy feet to my face. 
Jen was laughing hysterically as I humiliated myself at her feet.. I
had lost all self-respect, yet it was the most fantastic orgasm I’d ever
"Take off my socks." 
Gently I slid the anklets from her magnificent feet, exposing the
objects consuming my entire being. Jen traced her toes lightly over my
face. I was reeling in pleasure. 
"I haven’t cleaned them in a few days slave boy. You want to clean
"Oh yes Princess Jen. I would do anything if you let me clean them."
Her feet were exquisite, with a pretty pale pink nail polish on her
toenails. My mouth watered at the thought of licking those peds. 
Jen slid off my stomach and quickly undid my pants, yanking them down
while I lay there offering no resistance. 
"What have we here you perverted dog," she said looking at the large
pool of cum all over my stomach. "It looks like you will need cleaning
as well." 
With her foot, she stepped in the sticky goo and brought it up to my
mouth. I didn’t open it at first and Jen smeared it onto my face. Her
foot smell hit my senses again and I opened up to make love to her
foot. Repeatedly, she dipped her feet in the cum and brought them to my
ever so impatient lips. I kissed and lapped with more passion then I
ever summoned before. I was oblivious to all but Jen’s wonderful feet.
As I slurped at her foot, she manipulated my cock with the other and
once again I came, screaming in ecstatic joy. 
Jen collected the cum on her foot and smeared it all over my face and
hair, laughing at the ease with which she could humiliate me. I did
absolutely nothing to stop her, and in fact, craved for her to degrade
me further. 
Completely spent from the two best orgasms of my life, I lay there. Jen
took one of the ribbons out of her hair and began tying it around my
ball sac. She knotted it quite tightly and I winced in pain. 
"This pink ribbon will serve as a reminder of your status as the slave
weenie that you are." 
Jen got up and left me there to contemplate just how ridiculous and
degrading the acts that she just put me through had been. To further
add to my shame and humiliation, they not only were voluntary, but I had
begged to perform them. 
I heard the others return and I zipped up my pants and attempted to make
my face and hair presentable. I did my best to wipe off the cum Jen had
smeared all over me and ran shamefaced to the bathroom. I could only
hope that my appearance wasn’t too noticeable as I hurried past the
crowd. I quickly combed out my hair and resolved to leave immediately. 
I gathered my things, said good-by to all, and headed to the car. As I
was about to start the car Jen came walking out. Her feet were bare and
she was carrying the hot pink anklets. I was standing by the car door,
which luckily was secluded from the house by a van someone came with.
Jen boldly undid my pants and yanked them down. 
"I see you’re still wearing your pretty pink ribbon. Are you still in
slave status?" she asked mockingly. 
I dropped my head in shame and my only response was the growing cock
between my legs. 
"I see you are. How about a kiss?" she said as she got up on her
tiptoes. I parted my lips and closed my eyes. My heart started
pounding as I anticipated the wonderful moment. But then I felt a large
wad of spittle hit me in the face as Jen burst out in laughter. 
"How about a kiss?" Jen said again as she leaned back against a tree and
lifted her foot slightly off the ground. With my pants around my ankles
I fell to my knees before this teen goddess. Jen turned her back to me
and turned up the sole of her bare foot. It had picked up quite a bit
of dirt on the walk to the car, nevertheless, I craved to supplicate
myself at her feet. With her toe resting on the ground I had to lower
my head completely to her foot. Moaning with pleasure, I not only
kissed it, but licked every inch, devouring the dirt and filth as though
it were a succulent meal. 
Jen kicked me as she tired of my obsequious performance, and I rose to
my feet. My cock was ready to burst, as pre-cum dripped off the end. 
"Would you like my anklets slave boy?" Jen asked holding them under my
"Oh yes Princess Jen," I said excitedly. 
She put one of the pink anklets over my prick and manipulated me with a
few light strokes. Jism spurted into the sock as I groaned in
pleasure. She squeezed out the last drops of cum into the other anklet,
then shoved both of them into my unsuspecting mouth. 
The acrid taste of her feet had me reeling once again. Jen took her
other ribbon and tied a bow around my ever-erect cock to go with the one
around my aching balls. 
"Have a pleasant trip home," she laughed as she headed back to the
house. I stood there motionless, still lost in the state of nirvana
Princess Jen created within me. Before I had a chance to recover my
senses, Jen appeared again and was snapping photos of the pathetic worm
I had become. I was about to pull my pants up and cover my shameful
appearance when Jen said: 
"Don’t you dare!" 
I froze in place, the true slave that I had become. 
It had been quite a long summer for me. I worked without a vacation and
spent the evenings and weekends walking through the campus of the nearby
university. There were just a few students in the summer session, but
the warm weather had those few young coeds scantily clad. I couldn’t
keep my mind off the events of the party back in June, and Jen had been
the object of numerous fantasies on the hot summer evenings I spent home
alone. I kept the pretty pink anklets in my nitestand drawer, and most
every night I would wake up dreaming about that eventful day and take
out the socks to relieve the incredible hard-on these dreams would
It was Labor Day weekend and a friend at work was throwing a party at
his house to salute the end of summer. When I got there he pulled me
aside to tell me his wife had a friend who they wanted me to meet. I
was very reluctant and I had very little interest in dating since my
experience with Jen. A plain vanilla relationship just didn’t interest
me at this time. He went on to say that she was a part time aerobics
instructor at his wife’s health club, and was getting a Ph.D. at the
I guess it would do no harm to meet her, so I resigned myself to the
prospect. Jackie was a stunning woman. She entered the party and all
eyes turned to look at her. She had on a short flower print dress that
gave ample sight to her fantastic legs. Her breasts were small but firm
and a perfect compliment to her amazing body. Her face was right off a
cover girl commercial. Still, she didn’t stir the sexual interest in me
that had been lacking all summer. 
Phil’s wife introduced us and we talked about ourselves and our
interests well into the late afternoon. She was an incredible woman who
had intelligence and charm to go along with her model looks. Phil was
serving dinner and we split up as Jackie went to talk to Phil’s wife
Donna. I got caught up in conversation with some other friends from
work and the wolves took the opportunity to move in on Jackie. 
Donna came over to pull me aside so we could talk. 
"Don, you really made an impression on Jackie. Most men drool all over
her and just want the usual. Look at them. They are practically
stumbling over one another trying to impress her. It’s about time for
you to start dating seriously. You won’t find anyone better than
Jackie. Now I’m going to get her away from the wolves and then I want
you to continue where you left off." 
"Well I don’t know..." 
"Don’t give me that. I know you’re not gay and I’m telling you that you
can’t miss if you ask her to leave with you. I drove her over here and
she will need a ride home. She told me she was EXTREMELY interested in
you. I have vouched that you are an equally good catch with no hidden
surprises. No buts about it." 
Before last June’s party everything she said would have been true. But
now I had trouble thinking of myself on equal footing with any woman,
let alone a woman like Jackie. I had completely given up all self
respect at Jen’s feet. Maybe it was time to get myself back together.
After all, there was no harm in trying. 
True to her word, Donna whisked Jackie away from the crowd and got her
to a bench isolated somewhat from the rest of the party. I made my way
over and we continued discussing her studies and my interests. We
really did have quite a bit in common and she even initiated the request
for a ride home. 
"Don, I came here with Donna and I’d feel bad asking her for a ride
before the rest of the guests leave." 
"That’s no problem, I could take you home." 
And so we quietly said our good-byes and headed to my car. I started
heading to a small apartment complex near the university where Jackie
"I’d like to invite you up to my place for some coffee but it’s such a
small student apartment..." she was saying. 
"We could stop at my place if you like. I live fairly close to the
college," I broke in. 
"That would be great," she said. 
We pulled up to my place on a shaded street of old stately houses. Once
inside I told Jackie to make herself comfortable while I got the coffee
going and brought some snacks. The more I got to know Jackie, the more
I was convinced that I was over the slump caused by my degrading
experience with Jen. 
We got comfortable on the couch and I marveled at how beautiful a woman
she really was. Around 7 PM the doorbell rang and I got up to get it.
I opened the door and in walks Jen and another girl about her age. I
was stunned. I couldn’t move. 
"Hello weenie," Jen said as she walked in past me with her friend, "long
time no see Donny boy." 
I stood still, frozen and speechless. 
"I see you have company. Perhaps you would like me to leave? What
about it dork?" Jen continued to chide. 
My mind was spinning and I couldn’t think clearly. 
"Who is this Don?" Jackie asked. 
"Um, um, ah...," I stammered, "This is ah, Jen, she is ahh..." 
"I don’t think ‘Jen’ will quite do weenie," Jen giggled, "I have some
pictures here that might jog your memory," as she reached into her
Knowing full well that I could never recover from the embarrassment if
Jackie saw those pictures, I broke in, "This is Princess Jen." My face
was becoming red with shame. 
"I can leave if you like, Donny boy?" Jen prodded once again. 
I wanted to ask her to leave. I wanted to get her out and get my life
back together. But as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t ask Jen to go.
Every time I was about to say it, my lips would move but no words were
"I think I should go Don," Jackie said as she got off the couch. She
delayed momentarily to see if I would offer to drive her home, but I
made no offer. Jackie turned to walk out the door and I said nothing,
not even good-bye. 
"Ta ta," Jen said as she laughed it up with her friend. "See, didn’t I
tell you he is a total dork." 
I had barely moved since Jen walked in the door. She was dressed in the
same outfit she wore to the party. A pink blouse, a pink and white
short pleated skirt, and shiny patent leather maryjanes. The only
change were the anklets she wore. They were white with frilly pink lace
at the top. Jen walked up to me and stopped about five feet away. She
put her hands behind her back, tilted her head to the side, and twisted
slightly from side to side in a coquettish schoolgirl way. I was
mesmerized by her charm. She extended her foot into a point and traced
semicircles on the floor in front of her. After a moment, she broke the
silence and my trance saying: 
"How do you greet your Princess, slave boy? You are still my slave,
aren’t you?" 
My heart pounded. I had waited all summer for this wish to come true.
I had fantasized about it a thousand times. But I was moments away from
ridding Jen’s hold on me as I sat with Jackie. Jen’s timing was
perfect. She plucked me back moments before I would be free of her
alluring power. 
I fell to my knees before my princess. I bent forward to reach her
"You are still my slave?" she said as I stopped inches from her foot. 
"Yes," I whispered, about to move on to her shoe. 
Jen slid it backwards a few inches and I froze, with my eyes glued to
her precious feet. 
"You must first agree to be my total slave, and offer complete devotion
to me. You must agree to obey all my wishes, no matter how difficult or
silly they may seem to you. You must be a true slave in every sense of
the word." 
"I will be your slave, Princess Jen. I will obey all your wishes as if
my life depended on them. I offer myself completely to you. Your wish
is my command." 
Jen slid her pointed toe under my lips. I was in heaven as I craned my
neck to kiss the maryjane’s shiny leather. Barely had my lips reached
the pretty shoe when Jen spun around and skipped to the couch, leaving
me there on my knees, bent forward with my face to the floor. Her
friend laughed at my ridiculous position. 
"I’ll be attending school at the university next door weenie. Just
think, your slavedom might last a little longer then you may have
thought. That is, if you are deserving of me as your princess. I won’t
hesitate to cast you off if you disappoint me." 
"I’d like you to meet a new friend of mine. This is my new roommate
Jamilar. She is from Rio down in South America." 
Jamilar was an attractive, exotic young girl. She had a Spanish look
and sophistication beyond her years. Her body was extremely fit, yet
voluptuous. She wore a clinging dress that was little more than a snug
fitting tee shirt, barely covering her well-rounded ass. Her shapely
legs were bare and her feet were adorned with four+ inch black patent
leather pumps. To put it mildly, she was a knockout. 
"Come greet her," Jen said. 
I was on my hands and knees. Instead of getting up I began to crawl to
the couch where Jamilar was sitting. 
"Slither on your belly worm," Jen ordered. 
Once again, Jen was stripping me of all self-respect. I got down on my
belly and started worming my way to the couch once more. 
"I don’t think I can recall a slave dressed so formally, do you
Jamilar?" Jen said mischievously. 
"No, I haven’t. They are always dressed in rags or naked as I recall,"
Jamilar said with a smirk on her face. 
"I want you butt naked dork," Jen demanded. 
I was getting up to undress, but Jen cut in: 
"No need to leave the floor weenie. Slaves belong on their hands and
knees unless their owner decides otherwise." 
‘Owner’, This was something new. Jen was now referring to herself as my
‘owner’. I squirmed around on the floor, removing all my clothes, and
yet another layer of whatever self-respect was left. 
"Look at that boner!" Jamilar exclaimed as I removed my underwear. My
humiliation at Jen’s feet had excited me to the edge of climax, and my
penis was as hard as it’s been since my last acts of degradation at her
Completely naked, I snaked to Jamilar’s pumps. Reaching them, I pressed
my lips to their shiny toe tips. They left me there pecking adoring
kisses as they discussed the exciting prospect of freshman year at
college. Jamilar, it turns out, was a child model and television star
back home. This would explain her worldly aire. She had both dancing
and singing experience, but wanted a break from that career to lead a
normal life for a few years. Jen would be playing field hockey in the
fall semester and tennis in the spring. 
After fifteen minutes or so of kissing Jamilar’s heel, Jen began
describing our encounter last June in detail. I felt so ashamed as
Jamilar burst out laughing at my utter humiliation. Jen then turned
some attention my way. 
"I think it’s about time you thanked me for allowing your worthless
piece of flesh to be my slave," Jen said. 
Her legs were crossed and she was gently swinging the patent maryjane.
Jen’s athletic legs were without a doubt the most beautiful sight I’d
ever seen. Her short pink and white pleated skirt allowed me to see
most of her tantalizing thighs. Her skin was so smooth and clear. The
muscle tone was exquisite, but not overly bulky. I was drawn to her and
was incapable of preventing my supplication at her feet. The shoe was
so innocent and pretty. The frilly anklet such a perfect compliment to
Jen’s simple beauty. 
"Thank you Princess Jen for accepting me as your lowly slave. I vow to
commit every action I take to meet with your absolute satisfaction. I
will always strive for total compliance with your wishes. I pledge
complete subservience to my divine princess." 
Reverently I approached Jen’s shoe. Unworthy to kiss the shiny leather,
I contorted my body to lick the sole, just inches off the ground. I was
overwhelmed at the elation this obsequious act arose within me. I
lapped at the sole with all the devotion I could summon. Relishing my
abasement before this teen goddess. Jen brought her other maryjane up
to me penis and stoked it lightly. Immediately I came, shrieking in
Spent to the point of exhaustion, I lay at my princess’ feet, still
licking her shoe in servile adoration. Jen brought the lovely cum
covered shoe to my lips, and I abjectly devoured the jism spewed all
over it. Reveling in my utter humiliation. 
"He is such a pathetic creature," Jen remarked as she giggled at my
degrading performance. 
"I’ve never seen someone so aroused," Jamilar said. "It’s like he burns
with desire to demean himself at your feet. But you are right. He is
quite a pathetic creature. Certainly not a man by any means. Perhaps
we should call him slave licky boy." 
"Great idea!" Jen said. "Licky boy, do you still have the pretty pink
ribbons I gave you?" 
I burned with shame. I was humiliated beyond anything imaginable. Jen
had reduced me to less than a man, and now I would be answering to
"Licky boy." Could she diminish me further? I shuddered to think. And
yet, something within me craved for my princess to continue my
"I still have them Princess Jen," as I continued cleaning the last of my
cum from her shoe. 
"Let’s get them, shall we?" She said as she took the pretty maryjane
away from me. I truly felt like the dog whose steak bone was whisked
As I lay there on my belly, Jen called to me: 
"Here licky boy, here licky boy." Then whistling for me to follow like
the dog I was. I crawled after these two beautiful teen vixens and led
then up to my bedroom. I opened the drawer of my nitestand and Jen
looked in. 
"Oh I see you still have the pink anklets I gave you as well. My, my
they are a little worse for wear. Have you been a nasty dog Licky boy?" 
I hung my head in shame. 
"Just what have you done to these tattered socks?" 
I was going to have to describe my jack-off sessions of the past summer
not only to Jen, but her new friend who was shaking her head in
disbelief at my self-abasement. 
"I’m waiting licky boy." 
"I uh, I ... used them to satisfy myself," I said shamefully. 
"Well how often did you diddle yourself?" 
"Uh... I did it every day." 
"You did it every day?" Jen pressed. 
"Sometimes more, Princess Jen." 
"Show me!" Jen ordered as she threw the worn anklets at me. 
Jen’s unending humiliation of me had my prick to full mast yet again. I
put one of the anklets on it. The girls sat on the edge of the bed as I
knelt before them and performed as ordered. I brought the other pink
anklet up to my lips. I closed my eyes and made love to the pretty
socks. Tenderly kissing one anklet while whacking off in the other. I
was lost in the heavenly sensations washing over me. I came in moments
and was shaken back to reality by the hysterical laughter of the girls. 
"What have you been doing with the soiled anklets, Licky boy?" Jen
I squeezed the last of the cum from my penis, and then disgracefully
stuffed it in my own mouth. More hysterics as I hung my head, sucking
my filthy spew from the lovely sock. 
"I’ve worn these shoes and anklets for three days without washing, licky
boy," Jen remarked as she pointed the toe of her shoe and extended it
under my chin. She raised my head and forced me to acknowledge my
The thought of her remark inspired caused an immediate response in my
"Just look at him," Jamilar said, "He is practically drooling at the
"Licky boy, I don’t think you have earned the right to my feet. Perhaps
you will tomorrow. A kiss good-night?" Jen asked. 
With all the feeling I had, I passionately kissed the tip of the
maryjane. All to soon Jen removed her foot. 
"Don’t forget a kiss for Jamilar," Jen ordered. 
I lowered my lips to the patent pump on the floor and gently kiss the
vixen’s shoe. 
"Stand up!" Jen said. 
I jumped to my feet and stood before my princess with downcast eyes.
Jen took the pink ribbons and tied one tightly around my ball sac. I
winced in pain as she pulled the knot. The other ribbon was tied around
the base of my erect penis. 
Her task complete, Jen grabbed my chin, looked me in the eyes, and spit
in my face. Her spittle landed on my upper lip. As it oozed its way
down, I opened my mouth and extended my tongue to catch the savory
The girls just laughed at my pathetic being and headed back to school. 
"Perhaps tomorrow licky boy." Jen said walking out the door. 

The girls were gone, and there I was, naked except for the pink ribbons
adorning my private parts. I caught my reflection in the mirror and
pondered the absurd sight. As if the ribbons weren’t enough, I was
sucking my own semen out of a dirty sock. Why was I doing this to
myself? Why couldn’t I control the lust I had to abase myself at Jen’s
feet? Why was I more turned on by this degradation than I ever was
I went to sleep that night with the ribbons on, the anklet in my mouth,
and a massive hard on. 
Sunday came and I sat at home anxiously hoping for Jen to arrive. It
was mid-afternoon and I was pacing the floor, afraid to leave and miss
her should she come. The phone rang and I answered it. It was Jen.
She ordered me to come to her dorm room on campus and gave me
directions. I knew the campus fairly well and made my way over as fast
as I could. 
There were many students moving in at the time, so it was easy for me to
get into Jen’s dorm. I knocked on her dorm room and Jen opened the
"Licky boy, good to see you. You’re here to settle a bet," Jen said
pulling me into the room. She undid my pants and yanked them down to my
"Well, well," said Jamilar. "He IS still wearing the ribbons. You win
Jen, but I must say, I’m glad that you did. Licky boy is so compliant.
I like that in a slave." 
Jamilar walked up to me and viscously slapped my face. I was startled
but I involuntarily replied: 
"Thank you Miss Jamilar." 
The girls laughed at my ridiculous response. It was orientation weekend
at the university and the teens were going to a dinner party. Jen was
busy getting dressed and completely ignored me as she stripped off one
set of clothes and laid out another. My cock stood at full salute to
her magnificent body. She dressed in the same style short pleated skirt
and white blouse. Her hair was done up in a ponytail, held in place by
a pink ribbon. Jen’s feet were still adorned with the white anklets and
frilly pink lace trim. The lovely maryjanes completed the ensemble. I
wondered if she had yet to remove the shoes and socks. Could it be she
really had worn them for three days without taking them off? 
Jamilar was still wearing an extremely short baby tee shirt dress that
clung to her alluring body. The black patent four-inch pumps were on
her feet. Her legs looked fantastic as she strutted in those heels.
She wore expensive jewelry to complete her perfect appearance. 
"We have a job for you while we are at the dinner party," Jen said, as
she took out some twine from one of the boxes she had used to move in. 
"Turn around," she ordered. 
I did as commanded and my wrists were tightly bound behind my back.. 
"On your knees." 
I fell to my knees. With my hands tied behind my back and my pants
around my ankles, I was totally hobbled. Jen and Jamilar proceeded to
dump a pile of shoes on the floor of the room. 
"Your job, licky boy, is to thoroughly clean each and every shoe in that
pile before we return from the party," Jen said. 
I looked at the pile and wondered how in my bound state I would be able
to accomplish my task. 
"Oh," Jen said with a smirk on her face, "I wouldn’t want your tongue to
dry out and prevent you from finishing your chore." 
Jen turned to the dresser and placed a large bowl of slimy goo on the
floor in front of me. 
"Here’s something for you to drink if you get thirsty. Hmm, maybe that
won’t be enough," Jen giggled. 
From the size of the bowl, there had to be nearly two quarts of the
"Perhaps we should be kind enough to add some more to make sure licky
boy can do a proper job. What do you think Jamilar?" Jen asked. 
"I wouldn’t want the dog to go thirsty," Jamilar said getting up from
the edge of the bed. She snorted up a thick wad of spittle and let it
drop into the bowl. It looked quite revolting as I knelt before the
Princess Jen got up and proceeded to take her turn adding to the spit
soup. She spit and it landed on the floor in front of the bowl. 
"Clean that up!" she ordered. 
With my hands behind my back and my pants around my ankles, I had to
clumsily fall to the floor on my stomach to make my way there. I was
about to reach the spittle when Jen demanded: 
"On your back." 
On my back, I watched Jen step in the spit and bring her foot so that it
was inches over my face. I could see her pink cotton panties under the
short skirt. Her shapely buttocks and perfect legs had my heart racing
with excitement. I could see the pretty pink lace trim of the anklet on
either side of the maryjane. Jen let the moment linger and then lowered
the shoe to my lusting lips. I moaned in pleasure, lapping at the
sole. My degradation at Princess Jen’s feet once again causing a sexual
arousal like no other I had experienced before her. Jen removed her
foot and I involuntarily groaned in severe disappointment. Causing the
vixens to laugh at my servile lust. 
Jen scrapped the last of the spittle onto her shoe and slowly brought it
towards me. I licked my lips in anticipation and craned my neck to get
at the shoe, which consumed my every thought. I was oblivious to the
giggles of the girls and the filming that Jamilar had begun with a
camcorder she had. 
"Beg, licky boy. Beg if you want to clean the filthy slop off the sole
of my shoe," Jen said. 
I needed it. I needed to get to Jen’s shoe more than any desire I’d
ever had. 
"Princess Jen," I began, "I beg you from the deepest depths of my soul.
I yearn to be your slave. Never before have I desired something so
much. A greater passion could not be found than the passion burning
within me to supplicate myself before you. I vow to relinquish
everything I am and devote my entire being as your servant and slave.
Our eyes met, and Jen knew the sincerity of my commitment as i
prostrated myself at her feet. Taking pity at my utter desperation she
lowered the shoe to my eager lips. I licked her sole with every fiber
of dedication I could summon. The sheer ecstasy was overwhelming and i
was seconds from erupting in an orgasm sure to pale all others I had
ever experienced. 
Jamilar stopped filming and jammed the spike of her heel into my cock.
She then reached down and squeezed my balls. The agony was unreal, yet
I refused to take my lips from Jen’s maryjane. 
Jen, satisfied that I had performed my task, walked away. 
"Get on with your work," she said walking out the door. 
I surveyed the shoes before me. Jen’s were quite different than
Jamilar’s. Jen had several colors and varieties of maryjanes and saddle
shoes, along with some penny loafers and athletic shoes. Jamilar’s
consisted almost entirely of expensive dress heels and Italian flats. i
began first with Jamilar’s. In my bound position it was necessary to
squirm on my belly to each shoe. I picked out a pair of strappy
sandals. I licked every inch of the sole and straps saving the insole
for last. Touching my tongue to the imprint of her foot, my taste buds
were assaulted with the acrid taste of Jamilar’s foot sweat. I was in
heaven as I continued lapping the shoes, barely noticing the agony in my
neck caused by the awkward position I was forced into by my bonds. i
was no longer revolted by the slimy goo, and it was necessary several
times to drink from the slop to wet my parched mouth. 
I found myself prostrate before a pair of Jen’s field hockey shoes. The
soles were caked with mud and dirt. Strangely, I devoured the filth as
if it were a gourmet meal, so eager was I to insure the cleanliness of
Jen’s shoes. 
Finished with my task, I wormed my way back to each and every shoe to
ascertain they were spotless. Just then the door opened. In walked Jen
and Jamilar along with two other girls who were slightly older and very
well dressed. The two girls burst out in hysterics at the ridiculous
sight I presented. 
"Look at those lovely ribbons he’s wearing," one of them exclaimed. 
"Is he really you slave?" the other one asked when she regained her
"Have a seat if you would," Jen said as the young ladies took a seat on
the edge of the bed. 
"You look a little parched licky boy. Did your chore wear out that
tongue of yours?" Jen inquired. 
"It was my pleasure to lick the dirt from your pretty shoes Princess
Jen," I said. "Thank you for the privilege." 
The girls giggled as I abased myself before my princess. 
"Are you thirsty?" she said popping the top of a can of soda. 
"Oh yes Princess Jen." 
That cold soda sure looked good. Jen began to sip it, then said to me: 
"By all means have a drink licky boy," gesturing in the direction of the
large bowl of spit still quite full with over a quart of the goo. 
I slithered as best I could to the bowl, knowing full well what Jen
expected of me. Reaching the slop, I took a little sip, burning with
shame as I humiliated myself in front of these new coeds. I felt
something on the back of my head and then my face was forced to the
bottom of the bowl. I was up to my ears in the slime. It was in my
eyes, and some was inhaled through my nose. 
"Better drink up," I heard over the roar of laughter in the one ear not
completely covered. 
I began slurping the thick, foul substance as fast as I could. Several
times I nearly choked, but Jen just pressed down harder, making it more
difficult to drink. Finally, turning blue in the face, I reached the
bottom and managed a breath. Jen took her foot away, and I lay face
down in the bowl, panting for air. 
"What do you have to say for yourself licky boy," Jen asked. 
"Thank you Princess Jen," I muffled into the bottom of the bowl, raising
more hysterics from the audience. 
"Get over here," Jen ordered. 
I snaked my way to my princess. Jen extended her beautiful leg and made
a point with her toe. The tip of the maryjane touching the ground
inches in front of my face. Reverently and with loving adoration, i
placed tender kisses to the toe tip of the pretty shoe, paying homage to
the reason for my existence. 
"Wow," one of the girls said. "Does he kiss ass too?" 
Jen stood and turned her back to me. She bent forward, flipped her
skirt onto her back, and began swaying her hips from side to side. i
scrambled as fast as I could given my position, to get on my knees. i
was mesmerized by the sight of Jen’s fantastic ass. Her pink cotton
panties moving hypnotically. Jen looked back at me as I fixated on her
swaying ass. My face glistened with the spittle and it soaked my hair. 
"You’re to disgusting to kiss it now licky boy," she said as I groaned
in agony to the delight of the others. 
"Perhaps you can smell, but don’t get that filth on my pretty panties." 
I moved closer getting my nose as close as I could to the crack of Jen’s
firm, heartshaped ass. Suddenly Jen farted. Impulsively I inserted my
nose as close as I could get it and inhaled her heady fragrance. My
eyes closed as I reveled in the gift from my princess, unconcerned by
the disgust of my audience. 
After the commotion died down, the two new girls got up to leave. 
"Thank you so much for letting us observe your slave. Do feel free to
bring him by the Gamma house anytime. I think you will find we are the
only sorority worth pledging. Especially for women of your caliber.
You are both welcome anytime. Bye bye licky boy," the girls said as
they left the room. 
"Look at you, you’re disgusting," Jen said lifting her feet as she sat
on the bed. She then began smearing the spittle with the soles of her
shoes, rubbing it into my face and hair. Treating me as little more
than a doormat. Desperately I attempted to kiss her shoes as they moved
across my face. 
"There, that’s better," Jen giggled looking at my ludicrous appearance.
By wiping her shoes on my spittle-covered face, the dirt from the soles
was smeared all over it. I looked like a street bum who hadn’t washed
in weeks. 
Jen removed the twine and ordered: 
"Get dressed, but leave your fly open and I want the ribbons hanging
I quickly did as my princess ordered and followed behind her as we left
the dorm room. I did my best to hide behind Jen and Jamilar to avoid
letting people see the ridiculous pink ribbons hanging out in front of
"Two steps back and off to the side or I’ll have you crawl," she
"Yes Princess Jen," I said jumping back in quick compliance. 
Of course she said this just as a large crowd of coeds were passing by
thus drawing their full attention. I turned red with shame as they all
laughed at my humiliation. 
We entered a coffee shop on campus, and the girls took a seat and sent
me to pick up some sparkling water and cake. Shamefaced I went to the
counter to get the refreshments. The coed behind the counter gave me a
disapproving look given the dirt on my face and ribbons hanging out my
fly. I quickly paid for the food and made my way back to our table. 
On the way, to my horror, I spotted Jackie, reading a book at a table
not far from ours. My heart was pounding with apprehension. I reached
the table and it was evident the girls spotted Jackie as well by their
giggling. I was going to pick a chair that would at least put my back
to Jackie when Jen kicked out another chair designed to put me on full
Obediently I took my seat. 
"Would you like something to drink licky boy?" Jen said with a smirk on
her face. 
I couldn’t respond. 
"You must be thirsty, and you bought three mineral waters," as the girls
I was still silent. 
Jamilar lifted her lovely leg and dropped it into my lap. She began
caressing my cock with her heel. It felt wonderful and the expression
on my face clearly revealed this to the world. What if Jackie saw? 
"Remove my shoe," Jamilar ordered. 
How far did these vixens intend to go in humiliating me? I knew i
needed to put a stop to this right now. If Jackie saw me she would
surely tell Donna and I would never be able to recover my self-respect
again. I delayed, trying to speak out against this public scene. i
just couldn’t get myself to object. What type of power did Jen actually
have over me? Just how far could she take me? 
Jamilar stuck the spike of her heel into my ball sac and I gasped in
pain. I was a bit to loud and it got Jackie’s attention who was now
looking right at us. Jamilar increased the pressure and twisted the
shoe. The pain was clearly evidenced in my dirt-streaked face, yet i
did nothing to stop the teen beauty that was enjoying my torment
"Remove my shoe," she repeated. 
If there was ever a question as to what I would do, it was erased by the
agony I just endured. I was about to take the heel off when the pain
"Do it properly licky boy," Jamilar ordered. 
She said it loud enough for Jackie to hear. I was wholly degraded. 
Without thinking I responded: 
"Yes Miss Jamilar." 
"Call me Royal Mistress Jamilar." 
With only the dirt on my face to hide my shame I weakly complied, "Yes
Royal Mistress Jamilar." 
Reverently I brought the heel up to my lips. As if kissing a loved one,
I kissed the sole of the sexy shoe. I caught the expression on Jackie’s
face as I did. It was one of total disgust. I slid the heel off and
placed it on the table. 
I was the color of a ripe tomato as a result of my self abasement. Jen
opened one of the bottles and poured some into the heel. 
"Pity we have no champagne." 
They each poured some for themselves, and Jen said: 
"Down the hatch." 
I lifted the sexy heel and my cock was straining in its confines despite
my utter degradation, or perhaps because of it. I lifted it to my lips
as the girls burst out laughing. Slowly I drank from the heel, no
longer caring who saw, as my arousal was so intense. I looked at Jackie
and she just shook her head as if to say: 
"You pathetic worm." 
After shaking the last of the precious drops onto my eager tongue, i
gently kissed the tip of the shoe and placed it on the table. 
"On your knees licky boy," Jamilar demanded. 
I fell to the floor at her feet. 
"I’ve been in these heels all day and my feet are tired, dirty and
fragrant. Lets see you live up to your name. Clean my foot," Jamilar
I was being completely dehumanized. She lifted her sexy leg and traced
my lips with her toes. I forgot about all else as the rich aroma of her
stinky feet hit my senses. I was in a state of pure nirvana as my
tongue reached out and tasted the acrid ambrosia. Like a hungry animal
starved for a week I licked at her foot, searching every nook and cranny
for Jamilar’s delicious crusty toe cheese. Jamilar grabbed the ribbons
hanging from my penis and started yanking on them. The pain only
increased the ecstasy and I screamed out in utter bliss as I came.
Spewing jet after jet of cum. Exhausted, I grabbed Jamilar’s foot,
covering it with adoring kisses. 
"Thank you, Thank you, Royal Mistress Jamilar," I pleaded, so grateful
for her treat, as I continued to love her foot. 
"Clean up that mess licky boy," Jen ordered. 
When Jamilar was tugging on the ribbons, she had pulled my cock out
through the open fly. My massive orgasm was all over the filthy floor.
It had to be the largest load I ever ejaculated. Slowly I bent to clean
my mess. 
"On your belly," Jen demanded. 
I prostrated myself in front of these young coeds and began mopping the
floor with my tongue, eating my own seed. 
"Take your time licky boy. Jamilar and I have lots to talk about," Jen
said as the girls giggled at the obsequious supplicant at their feet. 
As I pondered my debasement, I heard the sound of high heels clicking on
the tile floor. The heels stopped inches in front of my face. I was in
the middle of licking one puddle and looked up. Jackie looked down at
my filthy face. Thick cum covering my lips and outstretched tongue.
She was the most beautiful woman i’d ever known and yesterday she was
almost my lover. 
"You disgusting dog," was all she said. She turned and walked away,
taking with her my former existence as a man. 

Jackie was gone, and I returned to my task, cleaning the last of the cum
from the filthy floor. The girls were still involved in chatter about
the upcoming school year. They were both very excited about their new
independence and the wonderful experience college life was sure to
provide. As I lay at their feet, I became acutely aware of the others
in the coffee shop. Thankfully there weren’t many patrons, but those
that were there stared at the bum prostrated at the feet of these
beautiful young girls. I was unable to look them in the eye and i
wondered just what thoughts were running through their minds as they
witnessed the pathetic sight before them. The thought of arising to
take my seat without the approval of Princess Jen was unthinkable. 
To pass the time, I marveled at the sight of my princess from the floor
at her feet. The aire of poise and confidence she portrayed seemed to
have grown considerably. I wondered if her ability to control me in
every way had somehow given rise to her newfound confidence. I took
great pride in the thought that my complete and utter humiliation at her
feet may have contributed to Jen’s new stature. As she sat there
discussing the possibilities for her future, it seemed she felt the sky
was the limit. I knew then, my devotion to her would be total and
complete. For if I could contribute in any way to her success in life,
however small, I would dedicate my entire being to that task. 
Boldly, I slithered my way on my belly to Jen’s feet. Her incredible
legs were crossed at the ankles, and I put my head to the floor before
them. She must have sensed me there and she began to rub her shoe
gently along the side of my cheek. Occasionally the frilly pink lace of
the anklet would tickle me as her foot moved back and forth. Despite
how degrading this seemed, I drank in the feelings of joy and ecstasy
this kind and compassionate attention from my princess evoked within me. 
Never could there be someone as appealing and irresistible as Jen. Her
schoolgirl charm and innocence, her joy for living, combined with her
intense enjoyment of my utter humiliation was a magnet, which drew me to
her. As much as I obsessed with her to degrade myself at her feet, she
in turn fed off my obsession, enjoying her role as princess as immensely
as I did mine. Yet despite the apparent cruelty of the acts she put me
through, I believed she truly cared for me. Jen saw in me, my need to
supplicate myself to her, and she so graciously responded to that need
knowing it was the greatest gift I could ever receive. I doubt anyone
would ever know how unselfish and compassionate her feelings toward me
truly were. 
Jen made a point with her toe, and slid the shiny patent leather
maryjane under my groveling face. I gazed upon its beauty and
delicately kissed the tip of the pretty shoe, closing my eyes and
offering myself to my princess, surrendering completely to her. She
allowed me to continue placing adoring kisses to her shoe, while
stroking my face with the other. So intense was my burning desire, i
forgot that she had put me on public display. It wasn’t until I heard
the cackling of a group of coeds that I returned to the realization of
what Jen was doing to me. Nevertheless, I continued this servile act
with even greater passion, so strong was my desire to please my princess
as she herself explored the depths of her power over me. I could feel
her strength grow as she fed off the servile adoration I offered to her. 
Jen rose from the chair and prepared to leave. I got to my knees and
quickly felt a tug on the ribbons as Jamilar motioned for me to get her
heel from the table. Reverently I picked up the wicked heel, gently
kissing the sole at the toe tip. Jamilar crossed her legs and swung her
bare foot slowly back and forth. I watched the alluring sight of her
foot, noticing the deep red toe nail polish and the perfectly pampered
and manicured foot. As the foot came to a stop, I slowly bent forward
to kiss it, carefully looking for approval in Jamilar’s comely face.
Seeing a slight smile break out at the corners of her soft lips, i
continued and kissed the pretty foot I had just recently worshipped with
lustful abandon. Not willing to exceed the honor bestowed by the wicked
vixen, I forced myself to break away from the kiss, and slid the heel on
her foot. 
Jamilar rose, stepping on my hand as she did. I bit my lip as the pain
shot through me, and Jamilar giggled at the expression on my face as i
winced, but made no move to stop her. Thankfully, she walked toward the
door and I caught Jen motioning for me to follow. I scurried to make
myself somewhat presentable, and hurried after the teens. 
I walked with my head down, and the pink ribbons hanging out my fly. My
eyes were fixed on Jen’s lovely legs as she moved so gracefully along
the college path. Her grace might in some part be due to the ballet
classes I seem to recall she use to take when she was younger.
Nevertheless, every guy who passed us was drawn to take a long leering
look at her beauty. What luck I had to garner so much of her time and
As we approached their dorm, it was apparent that Jamilar would return
alone, while Jen remained with me. 
"Kiss good-night licky boy," Jamilar cooed as she turned towards me. 
Her face was so perfectly wicked yet undeniably beautiful as she smiled
reveling in her supreme power. I fell to my knees and lowered my face
to her heels. 
To be continued…..