The Sneezing Web Ring
This is a small web ring composed of sites about sneezing, or sites of people who are interested in sneezing and its many forms.

The purpose of this web ring is to create easy access to the few and wonderful sites out there on this subject. It is also to help those inerested in it, to increse web trafic to their sites and tie us all together.

To submit a site to the ring:
  1. You MUST have a webpage!
  2. Go and fill out the add form.
  3. Get the fragment of html code that displays the banner at the bottom by going up and coping my source code or copy it from here: banner code.
  4. You may modify this code slightly if you think it will look better on your page that way (text color, table background) but I'd appreciate it if the basic format stayed the same.
  5. Once you've done this, change the --your site id-- to the number you have been assigned.
  6. Then, I will be able to add you to the web ring! Thanks everyone!

This Sneezing Web Ring site owned by tarotgal.

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