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Welcome to our gang avatar painting and gesture making

Here we specialize in the art of painting avs. we have many styles to choose from and our painters are all up to date on the various techniques of doing them. all we need to know is how you would like it to look.

In this room feel free to use your Megas after all its your PC screen all we ask is that you respect the painters and visit us again and send your friends

Your main painters are


Beach Front mega Avs
Crazyhorse Web Design
Delic 8 Av Painting
Tonto & Annies gestures
Wackos gestures
Snuggles home page
Tonto's 40ish class
Annie's angels {updated}
Annie's FX and Mega backgrounds {updated}
Paint Shop Pro full version download
Paint shop pro tubes
Paint shop pro tips and tricks
Marys font archives
Fosi full version programs
Stardust psp download and tubes
Mega patches
Ings av & gesture links
Virtual Places Court

Tonto & Annie's Crazyhorse Web Design - Copyright©1996-1999 All Rights Reserved

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