Hi I'm Tigermeep.
Welcome to my little corner of the web.
This site is focused on fursuit (mascot) construction, period costuming, theatrical makeup & SCA.
Costuming NEW: Update of Mascot information in process
Where I beat on people with a big stick. I am a proud fighting member of Clan Carn in AnTir. Check out our fighting photos.
Links to other interesting places
Neat places that are mostly costume or SCA related
A Thought about Charity
Wanna read my current Comments?
Thanks for visiting, and c'mon back sometime, as it is entirely possible that I will have actually done more work here. :)
Hey! Whad'ja know? Something on this site was last updated on December 11, 2001. There are always plans for more additions of costuming information, as photo-evidence & time allow.
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