\\'elcome to Karin's Bored

open 24 hours

Hello... I have finally been able to REDO this website. The last edit was made in March of 2000, so hopefully this will be an improvement. I am planning on keeping the Joe Camel dedication page and my signature coca-cola page, but also adding a personal touch to this site for all of those close to me. Thank you for visiting and please visit often. Also remember I am always open to suggestions so feel free to email me!

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To all my fellow smokers out there...

I don't know about you guys... but I was a bit PISSED when Joe Camel got taken off the billboards. Bill Clinton sux when it comes to what the people really want... to hear my well deserved tribute to Joe Camel... please click on him below... It will be much appreciated...

Joe Camel

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette smoking may cause extreme relaxation and satisfaction

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