Denis des Loup's Homepage


Hey guys! This is my homepage. I'm doing this page for fun and I'm having lots of it just designing it. You can find pictures of my friends because their the most important thing to me. Theres also a page on the 1998 Volkswagon Beetle and Great Big Sea. Just look around and have fun. Just make sure you sign my Guestbook!! I'd like to thank Gregg for teaching me HTML so make sure you check out his page under my links!!

How 'bout you all check out my Great Big Sea page!!!
My Great Big Sea PageMy Great Big Sea PageMy Great Big Sea Page
My Great Big Sea Page

Here's the page with most of my friends on it! If you're my friend and you're not on here for whatever reason, just let me know and you'll be up in no time!!
My Friends PageMy Friends PageMy Friends Page
Go to my Friends Page

Here it is, the best little car to come out of VW in a long time. Check it out!!!

My 98 Beetle Page
My 98 VW Beetle Page

Links to Other parts of my page!

Links to my friends' Pages!


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