Many Sides To Life, by Danny Yates



Last update 14 August 2006.

Well, I don't know if you will like what you read here, but, I am going to be totally honest. As these page's are by me, about me.

For as well all know, the net is where we can express what we want, and not having to worry about how other react.

For I will admit to being fairly quiet face to face, well until you really get to know me, then things can change.

So if anything does not load correctly, or if there is any other fault (as I know my spelling is not so hot) please let me know and I will try to work correct them.

This whole site will constantly be updated, so if you are interested, please book-mark it and come back now and again, to check out what has been added.

To get thing's started, my real world name is Danny and you may be able to tell from the flag and the background I live in Australia.

I am using the handle Nev_yn as it is one of the characters from a series of books by Katherine Kerr. Nevyn name was meant to mean No One and I like that ideal for the internet, even though I do plan to be honest with this site.

Yes there is going to be quite a few pictures here, some may take a while to load.

So now the boring introductions are out the way, have a look around.

I would love to hear any comments, about these pages, or anything else you may have to say.

So please do sign my Guestbook when you are done.

And if you don't sign it how can I thank you for visiting, or improve the pages with-out your comments, and it should be working again.

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Here's A Navigation Table For My Site
A Pix & A Little About MeQuotes That I Like
Twisted Toons & Pix'sBook's I have Enjoyed
The Martial Art I StudySome More Pix
Some More Bad JokesA Little Bit Of Fun
For DadTattoo's, Like Them or Not
My Links PageMy Tribute To Harley's
A Page For SarshaBad Taste
For My New Buddy, AxelFor Those Who Like Trikes

If you like jokes, that may be sexist and in bad taste, check out my humor and bad taste pages.

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For those interested in music, and who isn't, check this place out.

<bgsound src="/SouthBeach/Docks/8647/sweet_home_chicago.mid">

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