Lynn's Home Page

Hi!  Welcome to my home page!  I hope you'll like it!

My name is Lynn and I'm 24 years old.

I live in Karlstad, Sweden, with my boyfriend Fredrik.  I work as a Pre-school Teacher with kids between the ages of 1 ~ 7 years at Day Nurseries and Pre-schools.

I love penpalling, movies, music, books, photography, dogs, travelling, etc.

I paint and draw a lot!  I do dog portraits, animal portraits, aquarell paintings and I also paint mailboxes!  As a matter of fact, I paint on anything lately, from shoes to jewel boxes.  It's a lot of fun!!

My Aussie pal, Sherie, helped me do this page and she is really good at it, as you can see!  (Thanks Lynn!)

Anyone who wants to be my penpal can leave a message at ICQ, my Guest Book or e-mail me!

Fredrik & Lynn when we were engaged in Parga, Greece on
15 July 1998.

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