Blind Collision

Since April 7, 1998
V5 - September 02, 2002

© Blind Collision 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002

Note: Best viewed with 800x600 screen

January 17, 2003

Added 2 new articles. Hope you like it. The 3rd Article pretty cool to read.
Article #2: 99 Secrets Girls Ought To Know About Guys
Article #3: What Foreigners Say About Filipino Food

September 13, 2002

I added a few more stuffs in the Forwards page. If you're interested in quotes, you check this part out. Hopefully, I'll be able to post more of those stuffs here.

September 12, 2002

I just fixed up a new part in this webpage. It's called Forwards. Basically, this is the place where I'll be placing all articles and written stuff about anything that I like. I called it forwards because most of the stuff here have been forwarded to me through email. There are currently two stuffs to read, a story and an article. it's pretty interesting, so I hope you guys read and enjoy!

September 09, 2002

I finally uploaded the new version of this webpage. The overall design, I think, best describes me. Simple, yet colorful. Haha. Anyway, I'll be putting up more stuff for the next couple of days. So, I hope you enjoy!

September 06, 2002

I'm bored.

September 02, 2002

After two years, I finally got this page revamped. It's our semestral break this week and I have nothing to do, so I decided to finally fix this site up. I'm no good at designs and stuff so I'll keep my site simple. What do you think of the new layout? It's very different from my past homepage designs though. Anyway, I've been learning adobe photoshop and flash so that I will be able to somehow spice this site up. So as for now, I'm sticking to the basics. I believe the only new thing I learned in website design is javascript (the mouseover effect -> check out the menu bar). I really like this effect. Simple yet nice.

So, I hope you enjoy my "new homepage". Leave a message in my guestbook and tell me what you think. By the way, I hope you enjoy the calvin and hobbes comic strip below. Lastly, I haven't put up lots of stuff yet, so bare with me. Thanks!

Since my website is practically fresh, I'll just give a brief overview of what to expect from each page:

ABOUT ME : Everything about me! You can also find pictures here.
PORTFOLIO GALLERY : This is the part of my webpage where I keep my simple works done with Adobe Photoshop. You can also find some of my designs from my previous and now defunct websites.
MIDI FILES : I still collect them eventhough what's really "in" today are mp3s. MIDI files are still wonderful and nice to listen to. So if you like them, check out my small collection.
LINKS : All of my favorite links.
FORWARDS : Some articles and stories to read about. Very nice.
GUESTBOOK : If you want to leave a message, a comment or anything else, go here!