Hey Fellow Matchbox Twenty fans!!!! This is a page dedicated to the #1 band Matchbox Twenty. Today is 4/19/00 and I'm updating this page for the first time in ages. E-mail us your questions and comments. One more thing....you can now check out the picture we took with Rob in our pictures section (thanx to my neighbor spark_66@hotmail.com).
Email us at rainbox20@yahoo.com
NEWS: Matchbox Twenty changed their name (it used to be matchbox20... now they changed the 20 to "twenty")
MORE NEWS: Matchbox Twenty's new album will be out May 23.. listen for their new song "Bent"
NOTE: I got rid of the trade section because no one ever goes there.
SOON TO COME: I'm going to try to add a few things to the humor section.
© 1997 rainbox20@yahoo.com