Gavril's Kickin' Bruce Lee Page

Hi, My name is Gavril. I like Bruce Lee because of the sounds that he makes. Like--

"Woooooh! Hoooowwwaah and WataaaaH!"

The very good thing is when he gets his num-chucks out and kicks some boo-tay and butt.  I like him because he had a girlfriend and she was pretty. His fighting style is so awesome I can't even say how awesome it is.

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Enter the Dragon is cool because Bruce Lee kicked the master's butt because Bruce Lee kicked him he flied and he got stabbed by a weapon. The movie is so cool I can even say how it's really good because of the nun-chucks--they are so cool. I can even say Bruce Lee can even go fast with the num-chucks.

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Fists of Fury is kind of cool because sometimes some movies can be stupid.  But, Fists of Fury is kind of cool because Bruce Lee kicks but Bruce Lee fights a lot of people. I want to tell people about this movie because it's so cool and kind of stupid.

return_of_the_dragon.jpg (28683 bytes)I want to see this movie  because I've never seen it because it's so cool and it has nun-chucks.

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Bruce Lee Quest of the Dragon--this X-box game is so cool I can fight in this game.  I wish I would get through the game but I can't because it was too late but if my mom or daddy would buy me this game for Christmas and then I would be happy.

I like the nun-chucks because they are so cool. If I had these nun-chucks I would kick some boo-tay. I would get these nun-chucks, if I had them or two nun-chucks, or maybe three of them me and my mom and daddy would fight together in a certain way.