My name is M-A-R-I-S-A



Thank you very much.

Yep, that's her!

Good Day Folks.

The world still turns and in doing so creates a spinning sensation...or is that just me?
Probably so.

Today is another day in 2007.

Nothing like living with 16 year old boys. Now I get to teach them to drive. Like I was a champ at this! At least my yard is big enough to get minor essentials out of the way.
I love my new job! Working at one of the "100 Best Places to Work" in America is great!Wish I had done this sooner.

We remain blessed, as are you. Aren't you? Or haven't you noticed?

Pensacola Beach, just another Gulf Coast whore.

Stuff I like...

Probably not holy water.

These are the loves of my life, my sons, the twin men, when they were young.

Testriffic Quiz Your Friends
Create your own Friend Quiz here

Follow this link to a tale of the past regurgitating itself. Wear a hat.

This way to Boys Town...My Twinmen!
Link to some more of my junk. How pretentious!

Thumbnail experiment with my kids.

Java Applet experiment using some of my art.

Try sending me e-mail if you wish. I might answer it.


If you have it, a trucker brought it.
Show truck drivers respect on the road!

Truckers can't maneuver bigs rigs like you can your little car.
They can't stop as quickly as you can either.
How fast could you stop a vehicle weighing 80,000 lbs. traveling at 70 MPH when someone cuts right in front of you and then slows to 55 MPH?
Please know this. If you can't see the mirrors on the big rig in front of you...hey...Guess what?
They CAN'T SEE YOU either! People get squished that way.
Truck drivers have a tough enough job anyway, always being away from their families and homes.
PLEASE don't make their jobs any harder. DRIVE SAFE!
I am the wife of a trucker and I know these things are true.


If you have trouble with the language try this! It's hilarious!Dialectizer

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