Welcome to My Room

Randomly working on this little page, thanks for visiting

All the pics are me in case you're wondering

Other stuff below...check out the links if you want more info.

When we look into our own hearts and begin to discover what is confused and
what is brilliant, what is bitter and what is sweet, it isn't just ourselves
that we're discovering. We're discovering the universe.

- Pema Chodron

If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance
for you. What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down.

- Mary Pickford

Conversation/Thought of the day (more or less):

hey did you like that movie "Groundhog Day"?
C:what do you think of being able to live the same day over and over again?
N: hmmm...not sure i`d want to live a particular day over and over and over again...i`d like to freeze certain moments and come back to them from time and time....on my will
C: hmmn... that`s what I think photos and videos and letters are all for, to preserve moments in time and to share thoughts/emotions during those moments.
My theory I`ve just thought of right now is that all human endeavors, inventions, and such are to preserve, save, or enhance the time we have.....
we`re essentially building time machines in different forms over and over again, constantly perfecting, refining, in an effort to maximize our time so (hopefully) we`ll have more time to enjoy and hopefully (also) to improve the quality for all people`s lives.
N: good thought...you should post it :-) very nice
C: hmmn... okay... I`ll save it and put it up later....

Some More Random Thoughts

It is metaphysically impossible to lose what is meant for you.
One reason we stay in relationships we know are not going anywhere is because we are afraid of losing something.
We think we will lose the person... We feel like we have lost time invested.
We may even believe we are losing a certain lifestyle or part of our life that has some great meaning to us.
What we don`t realize is, you can never lose!!!
If the universe/fate/GOD intends that you should be with the person you will be with that person.
You will have no other choice.
If you are with someone and the universe is not in support of the union, there is nothing you can do to keep it together.
You must let go!
As long as you stay where you are not intended to be your divine mate cannot get to you.
When you let go of what is not working you will make room for what is going to work.
In the end you haven`t lost a thing.

Stuff in life about me

Some More Pictures

Graphics heavy, future links page
Pictures Page

Pictures 2 Page

A near complete version of my resume

My Asian Avenue page

Just a page with stuff

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Random Tests:

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click here to find out which asian action superstar you are!

You are Jet Li. you are a star crossed lover. your tastes for woman are sometimes beyond ur reach. you like to break all
the rules and yet honesty is one of ur main priorities. you sometimes hurt yourself. even kick the living
*bleep* out of yourself. but dont worry it`s only yourself from an alternate-parallel universe.