has entered in to My play palace you are now one of them.....

Mistress Paula's Home Page

B.D.S.M. at its best........your pain is My pleasure

This site contains material and links to sites which pertain to an adult-oriented, alternative lifestyle. It may contain graphic descriptions and serious discussions of alternative sexual practices.

I strongly believe that no matter what one's sexual and/or social lifestyle choice is, it is a choice that should be made and practiced with knowledge, maturity and understanding. Further, I believe that participation always be in a SAFE, SANE and CONSENTUAL manner.

If you are under the age of 21, under the age considered adult in your area or live in an area which censors the free and open exchange of information in any way, DO NOT ENTER! Click the button below to take you to someplace different and unusual, but safe for all ages.


It's YOUR job to protect your children, not the government's!!
Do your part to protect our rights and monitor what your children are doing.
By using the following button, you certify that you are an adult and legally and morally allowed to view material of an adult, alternative sexual and consentual lifestyle.

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