If this is your first visit here, let me be the first to say Welcome!

To those of you that have been here before, you'll realize that this is the end of an era. After many months of being pestered by the man himself (yes Ian) the site has undergone some changes.
There really isn't a whole lot here anymore, but I recommend checking out the photo gallery.

Photo gallery. Here is a collection of Ian pictures from over the years. (There are several pictures so it may take a little while to load)

Olympics. Ian is a bigger fan of the Olympics than many people realize. Check it out.

Beer. So who doesn't like beer? Here's a page about one of Ian's old staples.

Links. Here are some Ian-relevant links. Check them out.

This site is created and maintainted by Jeremy Gross
Last Updated: June 1, 2004
This site was and and sponsored by