there is alot of hidden links see how many you can find
Hi. Let me tell you about myself. I like to eat. Sometimes I drink. Often times I even sleep! And then in between all of those, I'll need to go to visit the bathroom. Most of the time I do all of those, practically everyday! And sometimes I do things with other people. I used to go to school, but now I work.  My favorite color is hunter green
I dont really have any hobbies. I eat sleep and work.  Sometimes i get on here but when i have time.  When i am not  at work i am at home with my loving boyfriend. When i am not at home i am at work so i dont have a lot of time to be on here.   But as the saying goes. you gotta find time for your self.  guess i will have to start.
My best friend is bridget. My FIANCE is Scott.. They're the best. I have other great friends and just to name of few. There is Shawn,(bridgets husband)
Heather, Michelle and Troy..well the list goes on and on. I would be lost with out these people. But if i ever lost scott i would just die. Just click on the links button below to visit my other friends.
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he's peeing on me. Thats ok. he's an intern