G'day I'm HR - YM (also known as Lea Shadav)
and this is my profile!
Well what to say about myself?
Not that you really want to know too much, hu?
I am 24 years old mother of a 4 year old daughter!

I hope that one day, I can go to college and get my degree in the Networking Field!
I have studied just about everything that there is to study about computers,
Even programming,
it's just I'm not good at it!
All I know is to make little colorful circles go all over the monitor!
My main field of study is Computer Networking and Technologies.
Also the Computer  Net. & Tech, covers PC repair and Installattion!
As u can tell Computers are my speciality,
but I am not as smart as I sound, LOL!
Actually I do not understand a thing that I do, I just know how to do it!

A bit more about myself...
(not that u want to read it, lol)......
I Love to make new friends, and
learn new languages!

      Anyway, I know that my website sucks right now, but soon I hope to have it better than this!
Anyway, take care, and one day I promise this will be an awsome webpage!
Bye and God bless you!

