~*The Mystic Wiccan Grove of Arkansas*~
Welcome friends and and explorers of the wiccan path My name is Jackey and I am 26 years old I have learned alot of truths in my time on earth and the simplest is the golden rule "Do Unto others as you would have them do unto you" also to "Respect everyone regaurdless of any flaw they may have in your eyes, for you know how it feels to deal with your own flaws" with this said, I welcome you to explore these meager pages with an open heart and an open mind, also if you disagree with any statements or depictions on this page I welcome your comments and criticisms. If you have any, I am always open to new ideas and new points of view just email me and I will try to respond as quickly as possible with sincere thought.

~*The Wiccan Rede*~
~*The Wiccan Holidays*~
~*The Meaning Of The Pentagram*~
~*The Elements*~
~*My Place Of Worship*~
~*Pagan or Wiccan Poetry*~
~*My Personal Feelings On Wicca*~
~*A Letter Of Warning From Burton*~

Nevyn's Nook
The U of A Student Pagan Organization
The SpiritFamily Web Community
E-Mail Me !!!

~*The Graphics on my pages came from all over the WebI had no intention of pirateing so if any of these graphics belong to
you please email me and let me know and I will give you the
proper credit or make the proper modifications*~
Thank You