Well hello. Well there isn't much going on here still me and my daughter it seems that when you start dating agian you have to have permission for your kids for you to go out with them cause if they dont like them then you arent going to get along at all cause if they dont like them they are going to make it very hard for you and the one that you want to be with . You know i brought a couple of people home for my daughter to meet she like some then some she didn't , she want to pick my girl friend instead of me she wants someone that dress cool and that she likes but she doesn't understand that I have to like that persont aht she picks to and that gets to be a problem sometimes she want someone that will spend time with her and not me and then when night comes leave and go home and not stay but if they have kids that she knows its ok for the kids to stay but not them hahaha . A no win |