Welcome to
JDragon’s WebSpot
This section of JDragon’s WebSpot is
dedicated to a very special friend, GKatt…
Most of the poems contained here are written by JDragon, however, be
sure to read the authors’ names as some are written by others… All poems are used with permission of the
authors… The poems are in order by date,
oldest first, so if you are looking for an update, please scroll to the
bottom… This page may take a long time
to read, and may require a box of tissues…
As always, comments and suggestions are welcome, click the letter at the
bottom to send them…
This WebSpot is best viewed with
Internet Explorer… If you are using dial
up, the music on this page may not load properly…
Thoughts of You…
When I think of you…
I lose all other thoughts…
When I think of you…
The world gets a little brighter…
When I think of you…
Life gets more interesting…
When I think of you…
I see the beautiful things in life…
When I think of you…
I feel love overwhelming…
When I think of you…
I feel peace and understanding…
When I think of you…
I am bathed in joy…
When I think of you…
I feel your love radiate towards me…
When I think of you…
I know you are thinking of me…
Love Defined…
Who knows how it happens???
Not I…
But I know when it has hit me…
And I see it has hit you too…
I love you…
A Haiku of Love…
To be loved by thee,
Is like the sunrise each morn,
Yet somehow better…
You are so…
You are…
G’s Haiku…
To G, All my love,
For she is my God chosen,
The Queen of my heart…
My Prayer…
Dear God…
I don’t see your plan,
Not even my little role is making sense
right now…
I want to scream,
But all I can do is cry…
Was it something I did,
Or am I a modern day Job???
It seems a lot like Job,
Just a little more gone every time I start
to get settled in…
I feel like Satan is working overtime,
But why me???
You must have something big planned for
For Satan to go to so much trouble…
Or maybe you want me to be a modern day
Where you put the words in my mouth and
I say them…
Whatever Your plan,
Give me the strength to carry on,
In Your name…
Your good and faithful servant…
My Prayer for a Miracle…
Have you ever really looked at the
flower of the weed know as Queen Anne’s Lace???
It is a beautiful white flower,
Made up of hundreds of tiny flower
Giving it the likeness to lace…
One petal,
Near the center,
Is a lovely purple…
As I look at the flower,
I realize,
The flower would be a very different
flower without that one,
Tiny speck of color…
As I look at the world,
I realize how it looks like a white
Then I found the one person who made it
look right,
The purple one…
I was just beginning to see how right
she made my world,
When out of the clear blue sky,
Some bird decided to pluck her away…
All I can do now is ask “Why?”,
And hope,
And pray,
That somehow,
Some way,
God will bring that purple in my life
“All things are possible through Christ
who strengthens me…”
This is my prayer for a miracle…
Unsaid things…
Those words, the ones you wrote…
I never got them in time, and then it
was to late…
Why would it be this way???
Lord, why would you allow this to be???
I don’t see the big picture, but I trust
you Lord…
You must have something big planned for
Why else would you allow me to face such
I am in pain now, but through this I
will grow strong in you Lord…
You know my needs; help me to bear this
burden in my heart…
I know someday, you will show me the
right person…
I just pray that I continue to grow in
you until then…
Lord, only you will know when I am
Until then, please help me to stay
strong in body, mind, and spirit…
This is my prayer…
The Question…
The tears flow from within…
The pain is not truly mine…
But that only makes it hurt worse…
A nightmare come true…
All of our dreams…
Lost in a moment…
How to go on???
That is the question…
Footprints, Revisited…
As I glance over the last year,
I see only one imprint pattern…
“Lord, You said you would not leave…”
It was the I realized I had been to
Curled up, crying,
To notice him gather me in his arms,
And keep walking…
As I sit here, just editing my web stuff
to calm myself and relax,
I am struck over and over by how God has
seen fit to prepare me over the many years for this day,
And I am amazed and overwhelmed by His
awesome knowledge that I would be so strong by now…
How many years does it take to get ready
for your worst nightmare???
God knows, even if we don’t…
Would I have ever thought to see my
worst nightmare turn into reality???
Not in a million years, but now I see
all of those other problems for what they were, preparation…
I will get through this,
Not unscarred,
Not untarnished,
Not undamaged,
But I will be stronger…
Thank you God,
For knowing just what I need,
Before even I know…
Love, Tested and True…
Our love…
We always said it was forever, but how
did we really know???
We faltered and stumbled as we hit the
first major test, but here we are, still standing true…
The test is far from over, but now we
Forever is a long, LONG time, but with
you by my side;
It is but a walk in the park…
May the Lord grant us our life together
to its fullest,
As long as he sees fit…
We have our life,
And no matter how damaged along the road
we get,
We still have each other at the end of
the day…
May we have many happy years ahead of
From Me to You…
Here I sit…
There you are…
I want to hold you close, and rock all
your fears and worries away...
You want to run to my arms and receive
my comfort…
Why must the miles be there???
Thousands of miles…
Neither of us able to do anything about
May God grant us the strength,
To hold on until we are together again…
When once again our hearts will beat in
time together…
Until then, just know I love you and
miss you…
One thousand…
Sounds like a lot…
But 1000 tears aren’t but a drop in the
river I have cried today…
Nothing I can do; nothing to be done…
Pain so deep it rocks the very
foundations of my sanity and stability…
How do I move on???
I know; I can’t…
I must simply bare my hurts…
Only time can heal some wounds…
But if we depend on time alone, wounds
become infected,
Poisoning us, and sometimes those we
I can’t bandage it;
No one on earth can…
Only God, the greatest doctor ever, can
touch some wounds…
God, I humbly come to you,
Bringing all my pain and misery,
Knowing you can, and will, help me bare
Cut to the quick,
My emotions bleed out of my soul…
The tears flow down my cheeks,
unchecked, unstoppable…
How many more thousands of tears will
have to flow???
Only God knows…
God will give me the shoulder to lean on
at just the right moment…
“God, I feel the earth slipping,
Here is my hand,
Guide me to the one I must hold on to…
Maybe together we can both make it
The blind leading the blind,
But always towards Your light…
Guide us Lord, for only you know the
We cautiously step, from one glowing
footprint to the next…
Thank you Lord…”
Dehydration has set in…
I’ve cried ‘til they won’t keep falling…
Did it help???
No, it hurts to cry without tears…
But there is no more for me to do,
Except drink some water,
And start all over with the river of
Someday they will stop falling,
But until then,
“Pass the water please…”
An open window to the soul…
Sometimes it is open all the way…
Sometimes the shutters are closed…
Sometimes it is just plain boarded up…
How is your window today???
So Many Memories…
Just plodding through life one day at a
I glance back…
“Lord, has it really been that long???”
There is no reply,
But then,
None is needed…
It seems like yesterday we met,
And yet,
All those years worth of memories…
I could spend years reminiscing…
No wonder old people like to talk about
“way back in the day”…
Wonder if I will do that someday…
I do know this,
It will be more fun if we get to do it
I stand before a mirror,
And see a girl,
That’s been hurt,
Torn, and beat...
I had no faith,
I wasn't loved,
I didn't know,
Who I was...
I laid and cried,
All the time,
All through the day,
And throughout the night...
I hid in the dark,
Every night...
I hid from my mother,
My brother,
And my life...
I didn't know love,
‘Till I looked,
In your eyes...
I thank God morning,
That you came,
Into my life...
I am no longer hurt,
Torn, or beat...
I can now stand
On my own two feet...
My Angel…
I have felt a gun to my head,
From gangsters who should have been dead...
I know the feel,
Of a slap across my back...
I know the sound
Of a gun and now my friend is gone...
I know what its like,
To have cuts on your hand,
And talk to cops who don’t give a damn...
I was raped by a nigger,
Who got me pregnant,
And from being to young,
The baby I’d have now is gone...
I know what its like
To cry through the night,
Hoping that when she got home,
I wouldn't get thrown...
I have laid and cried,
Wishing I'd die...
I have watched my daddy,
Try to kill himself,
Just to get out of that house,
I'd like to call hell...
I have ran away,
From my problems,
And who I am,
But I found an angel,
Who took me in...
He looked into my eyes,
Just to let me know,
My life would be right,
And I wouldn't have to cry at night...
He has been there,
To hold me through the night...
He shared with me,
Kisses so sweet,
And hugs so warm...
He has mended my heart,
To its natural form...
I wouldn't be here,
If it wasn't for him...
Because of God,
I now know,
I am loved,
And I know he cares...
This is what I give you...
I give you my heart,
On this silver platter,
Please be gentle,
So that it will not shatter...
With my heart,
I give you my soul,
No secrets,
Will I ever withhold...
With my soul,
I give you my mind,
Always overflowing,
And endless thoughts of you,
Always growing...
With my mind,
I give you all my love,
Never gone,
But always here,
But just for you,
My precious dear...
With all these things
I give you my trust,
The trust to know,
Love, and understand...
All the things to us,
That will probably,
Never be known to man...
Love is patient,
Love is kind...
Love is yours,
Love is mine...
Love is something,
We all possess...
Hatefulness is for the ones,
Who haven't had it yet...
Two Years Ago…
Two years ago,
At this very hour,
We made the best mistake of our lives…
Two years ago,
At this very hour,
We made a decision that would change our
lives forever…
Two years ago,
At this very hour,
We got engaged to be married…
Two years ago,
At this very hour,
God blessed us in ways we never thought
Two years ago,
At this very hour,
We fell in love,
Eight Months…
It has been eight months,
Since I held you…
It has been eight months,
Since I said goodbye…
It has been eight months,
Since I saw you…
It has been eight months,
But our love has grown stronger…
It has been eight months,
And your still the only one I love…
It has been eight months,
And you are still the most beautiful
person I know…
It has only been eight months,
But it seems like a lifetime…
Things Said…
They said,
It would never last…
They said,
We were to young…
They said,
It was not meant to be…
They said,
Our plans were in vain…
They said,
Mean and nasty things…
But we said,
“How do you know?”…
But we said,
Only time will tell…
But we said,
Our love is true…
But we said,
We won’t give up…
But we said,
“God, Give us the strength”…
Two years later,
Here we stand,
But where did they go???
Two years later,
Just two more years,
To the rest of our lives…
Two Years…
Here we are,
Two years in…
Two years is so long,
So much has happened…
So much pain,
So much agony…
So much love,
So much joy…
And yet,
Two years is only the beginning of a
Is that you, God???
Here it is,
That time of year again…
The time where I get to claim another
year in age…
Some time ago,
I was asked what I wanted for my
Blue was my reply,
For surely there was no way I would get
my one wish…
Not even a week later,
You walked back into my life…
I know I prayed,
And I believed God had the power,
But alas,
I never expected a miracle for humble
lil’ me…
This year,
I got only one present,
And a couple cards…
This year,
Most everyone I know,
Forgot my birthday…
This year,
I turned a quarter of a century…
This year,
I was blessed with the best gift of all,
Your love returned…
Past Times…
I was having a rough night, dunno why...
I was feeling edgy, dunno why...
I reread those emails, you know the
The pain was great, almost
Nothing like the first time, nothing so
For I know the next chapter, where we
are together...
I could see the pain, the pain you
I could feel the pain, as you cried out
to me…
I felt it then, but you hid the truth so
Why is life full of things, things we
can’t change???
So much pain, so much suffering…
Sometimes I wish, wish I could live
You said never again, I said it too…
Here we are, our words forgotten…
It seems like a lifetime ago, and yet
just yesterday…
Where the story ends, no one knows…
I said I love you, you said it too…
I said I miss you, you said it too…
My heart I thee give, still yours to
forever hold…
My Queen and my Angel, you are my all…
Once again life goes on, my world right
Last Update: