Welcome to my home page. Sorry it is kind of messy, but I am still in the process of building it. It may take me a while, just because I do this in my spare time in school...which I don't have much of. I have been in the process of trying to build this page forever...but. "What can you do?" (hehehe) I have a few pictures of my friends here at school (Stetson University) and a couple of other things. =)
Zeta Tau Alpha
I am a pledge/new member of the Beta Psi Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha. I became a pledge on October 17th, 1999. My initiation will be sometime in late January or Early Febuary. Right after "RUSH," I found out that one of my friends back home is also a Zeta Lady...at Universtiy of Miami. I am so excited.
Zeta Tau Alpha at Stetson
These are two of my friends: Shelly and Kim. One is a Tri-Delt and the other is an Alpha Chi
chek out some more of my pictures:
Picture Album 1
Zeta Album
Family Tree
Click on the bunny to email me
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