Welcome to my web page!!!
About Me:

Name: Danielle
Nicknames: Dani, Princess, Lily, Dandelion, Sweetie
Significant Other: Dan
Birthday: September 1, 1982 (I'm 22)
Location: Monmouth County, NJ

Interests: being with my boyfriend, playing on my   computer, chillin with friends, talking (on the phone, online, or wherever), and listening to music (my current favorite: Eminem)

Isn't making a smoking section in a resturant like making a peeing section in the pool?

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours. If it doesn't, it never was.

I'm a princess. I live in the clouds. If you want to kick it with me, you better bow down. So get on your knees and call me your highness because believe me, I'm the world's finest!

A peach is a peach, a plum is a plum. A kiss isn't a kiss without some tounge. So open your mouth and close your eyes and give your tounge some excerise.

It takes a big man to cry. It takes a small man to laugh at him but an even bigger man to ask him why.

Your only bad if your caught. So that makes me a good girl right?

I'll try anything once, twice if I like it!

It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.

If we quit voting, would they all go away?

Some people are alive just because its illegal to kill them.

The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.

E-mail me
My pics page
My friends and I pics page
Diamonds (a woman's best friend!)
Neopets (wonderful virtual pets game)