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this page is being created to help everyone out there fight there ponding needs and questions this site will soon contain a guestbook a message board for everyone to ask questions which will be answered once or twice each day! :) this page was created in the month of june so it will be fully under construction until about the end of july.

do you ever see a pond in the wild with its water plants dragon flies flowers turtles frogs and fish and just wish that you had a pond of your own to sit next to 24/7 and feed your own fish and control what gos into even illuninate the water with some under water lights to add viewing pleasure when night comes around?
well you can make your dream come true with your lcal home and garden center or even home depot. the hardwear store has pond supplies! watergardening is the fastest growing garden hobby in america and becomes more and more popular each day. I too was one of those people who wanted a pond and now i have a thousand gallon pond complete with frogs and fish and water plants and a water fall! I have been building ponds for about 3-4 years now and im going to be in school learning how to become a landscaper too so I can make my hobby my job too. my grandpa used to say ( "if you can find a job you enjoy doing", "then you'll never go to work again" ) and thats just what I plan on doing. this site is dedicated to all you people like me who wish to get or are in the watergarden hobby I would also like to thank my friend JASON for being a great sales person to me and leting me help him with his jobs in building ponds he has been an insperation to my hobby and I tend to follow the same foot steps he is. so thanks again jason!

How big will the pond be? How deep? Where?
Do you want fish? Plants? Both? What kind?
Do you want a formal or informal pond?
Do you want it above ground or below?
Liner type or rigid? Filtration?
What are you going to do with all the dirt?
What will it all cost?

The answers to these questions are all related as they apply to the big picture. You need to keep all these in mind as you start your next section, Research... As part of your thinking process, you need to start a little research now. Can't think without a little fodder to think on, can you? Start looking for pond building seminars. Look around for local pond societies. The Austin Pond Society maintains a great list of local pond societies, check it out. Also check out the web for other pond sites and link pages like the one I have at this site. Part of your thinking process is preparing for your research process by collecting information. You won't get all your answers here, so talk to people. Visit the library. Get on the mailing lists of lots of mail order pond suppliers. But most of all enjoy what your doing and take time in your work and sooner or later youll be able to show your friends and family your new hobby and say I did that myself and thats a great feeling !

this is a picture of me ( THE PONDMASTER )



POND CHAT (for fellow ponderers to get together)


another water garden site





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