Athi - The beginning

Born and brought up in Nagercoil, near the southern tip of Indian peninsula.

I was born in the year 1973, and finished my schooling in Tamil Nadu. I completed my Engineering in Electronics, from Calicut REC. I have a professional experience of around 10 years .

I write poems, as an expression of my emotions and normally keep them private. I read a lot. I like rhythmic music like folk, western, gazal.

My role models are Bharathiyar, Vivekananda and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose






Me - a recent snapshot
My preferences vary on occasions and the people I am with. I enjoy parties, I enjoy company of possitive people and sometimes, would seclude myself to a room of absolute silence. I prefer them based on my momentary preference. I read novels, philosophy, politics, religion, science, romance and management related topics. I am a tea totaler and a possitive fellow, a simple human being with a mix of all emotions. I desire to live my life the way it comes and have fun all through. :)
My Info:
Name: A.K. Athi Kesavan