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Welcome One and All to My Little Net Home

(wipe your damned feet, have some courtesy for the love of God.)

This is my attempt to index things in some form of ordered manner in an attempt to make things easier to find for whoever might want to come here.  You'll find my first series of pages all the way thru current pages and hopefully any I decide to make in the future.

Okay this one is kinda obvious.  My statement here is that it is not meant to be mean spirited and hurtful.  It's just my say on things.  Neither apology or attack, it just is what it is. All I can say is it's honest.  (Includes a msg board and olive branch.)

New!!! Changes:  The End of Dana and My Beginnings with Kari

New!!!  Actual Pics of Me, as if you care

The original Roadrunner's World, my early relationship and chat stories with some general bs on me.  It's a bit dated but I can't do much with it sorry.  Special bonus pic of my car.

The First Attempt: My Online Story

My Goofy Libra Horoscopes

Name says it all.  They were for wild but now you can enjoy them too lol.

I wrote this when I first got out of the hospital after the first round of chemo.  It was my first try at reporting what was going on, I thought it might have some value.

My Leukemia:
The First Account

When geo and yahoo merged I got screwed and lost the original account so I had to open a new one for this story.  It's about my hospitalization and a lot of the decisions I felt I had to make.

My More Complete Leukemia Story

A couple pages dedicated to the things in Tallahassee and the people in it.  It includes pages about friends present and past.  It's all the things which make living here tolerable.

My Tallahassee Pages:  A Little Ode To My Little City

Cults:  No I'm not Recruiting and You Don't Have to Protect Your Kids

A mix of the things for which we live and my attempts to flirt with Dana again, I know I know I was  pathetic. 

My Valentine's Day Pages:  A Little Old But Not Bad

Once again I think the name is pretty self explanatory on this one.

A little touch of the Holiday sprit with an aetheist's touch.

Easter Page

Links to Friends

Take a little ride on my own personal "Highway to Hell" aided of course by AC/DC and my warped pages.