Cassy Williamson

the spark

dirty jokes

Yahoo! Games


Well I have blond hair now. I love to hang out with my friends. I`m single right now. My best friend is Allissa Young. I`m 15 and was born on April 25th 1985. I do like someone but that`s nobodys business now is it?
I have a cat and a dog plus 2 hamsters. I live with my mom and step dad and 1 step sister. The other one is in the navy in California. I baysit my cousin alot. He`s 9 months old right now. I love him to death. I want to have kids someday just not now. I write some poems. My favorite rapper is 2pac. But I listen to all sorts of music. I live in Saegertown Pa. If there`s anything else you want to know email me.

I talk on the net alot. I also like to flirt and talk on the phone. My  favorite thing to do is babysit.

Like I said my best friend is Allissa Young. My favorit person to hang out with is my cousin Angi Carr. I have an Aunt and Uncle that I babysit their kids. They have 3 kids. Dj,Gaige,and Samuel. All boys unfortunately. They aren`t too bad except for the fact the 2 oldest cuss alot. I also have 2 stepsisters named Karen and Michelle they are both older than me. I live with my Mom Karlyn and my stepdad Mike and Michelle.