<BGSOUND SRC="/applepie_43/americanpie.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hi Do you like apples as much as I do?  Well this is my home page and dedicated it to my favorite fruit.
Fromholt & Woodward Genealogy Site
Beepoop's Homepage
Genealogy Chat Friends Club
Momlace's Homepage
Apple Pie
6 cups Sliced Apples
3/4 to 1 cup Sugar
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Tablespoon Butter

Fill pastry lined pie pan with sliced apples.  sprinkle with sugar and spices mixed.  Dot with butter.  Cover with top crust.  Bake until crust is nicely browned and apples are cooked through (Test with a fork)  Serve warm or cold.

Time Bake 45 minutes  Bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes and then 350 degrees to finish.
French Apple Pie
Make pastry for one pie crust of desired size.  Fit into pan build up fluted edges, chill and fill with apples etc. as usual Then sprinkle with this crumb topping.  1/2 cup butter and 1/2 cup brown sugar cut in 1 cup flour.  Serve warm...
Cheese Crust Apple Pie
Roll out plain pastry top crust of apple pie.  Sprinkle with grated sharp yellow american Cheese and dot with butter. 1/3 cup cheese and 1 Tablespoon butter.
Pastry Recipe
2 cups sifted flour
1 tsp. salt
2/3 c. shortening
4-6 Tablespoon of Ice water
My Favorite Pages
Vietnam Page-updated 6/28/2002
Minnesota Page-updated 6/28/2002
Angel Page-updated 6/28/2002
My Genealogy Page-updated 6/28/2002
My Turtle Page
Bichon Frise
Memorial to my DAD
Have a great day!
Updated January 2004